The Truth about Duncan Patterson


New Metal Member
May 19, 2003
Despite his claims of an impoverished upbringing and a hard youth fuelled by cheap cider and Celtic Frost...Duncan Patterson is actually a 'posh get'....he is a man of many, many faces and possible Alien connections....the proof....

Mick (pronounced Meccchhhhh) from UK soap opera 'Brookside':
So, you say 'But Mecccchhh is black'...well this was another side to Duncan and his talents as a mater of disguise. For proof, anyone who has heard Duncan say 'Ahhh, I just wanna make Pizza's' and has recognised this as a key phrase for Meeecccchhh/Duncan from classic Brookside episode's. With this highflying lifestyle, Patterson the pretender qualifies as a posh get!!!!

War D. of Alastis:after touring with Anathema in 1997 War D., was reported to have become strange in some ways and people were heard to mention 'Invasion oif the Body Snatchers'.....the world waited.
Cut to feb. 2003...Eamon Dorans in Dublin...Morgion and Mourning Beloveth were kicking off their European tour. Duncan, after having spend a traumatic 4 weeks recording Antimatter's spohomore disc 'Lights Out' (there's a message in there...)...decided to shave off his beard, but stopped at the moustache....obviously forgetting that this is War D.'s main trait. In his post studio haze he staggered into the venue and lost control. Firstly trying to pass himself off as War D. to a Norwegian girl in the venue and then as Duncan Patterson to a member of Morgion. The public at large were fooled, however...I looked on in horror and realised that I needed to expose this so called 'humble musician' and the posh get he really is.......
>>Taking in a massive salary as the main attraction in one of the UK;s top cutting edge TV shows.....
>>As frontman of the gods/lady killer/celebrity Switzerland's biggest musical export and well known 'Posh Get', War. D.

Who knows what is next?...right now....Antimatter are in the US on their debut tour. Meeeccchhh is still the cornerstone of acclaimed show 'Brrokside' and War D. is currently modelling and rehearsing for the new Alastis in Switzerland....but which one is the real deal?...the real Posh Get??......who, where or what is the real Duncan Patterson.

Please do not mail me directly about this...I do not expect to be alive in 48 hours time and if you do see me and I am 'alive and well' careful, it could be another body snatch and I could be the latest 'Posh Get'.
Save me......
how the fuck else is he supposed to afford the big rock star country home in Mullingar?? Mind you anything is posh when yer from tallaghtfornia :lol:

incidentally the posh get was last seen in a hotel GYM somewhere in america. sell out :(
Bambi, the Tallaght-Fornia thing is just a front so that I can continue my investigations in as much secrecy as possible.....but this gym thing scares me. The real 'Duncan Patterson' would never do this...he has obviously continued on his body snatching....and knowing how his mind works, I think we are going to see some very strange behaviour from Burt reynolds...Charlie Bronson...or even worse....chuck Norris. No...fuck...not Chuck.....

DragonLady1....I am afraid you have no hope. You have eaten his food?. Expect to grow tentacles within the next 4 weeks. I am sorry.....
DragonLady1 said:
hey, that was quite a while ago and I'm still alive and no monster things growing somewhere... ;)

My GOD...then you were one like him already?!?!?
DragonLady1 said:
hey, that was quite a while ago and I'm still alive and no monster things growing somewhere... ;)

You never know.

OK, Strangelight Furby and Plastic McPatterson registered! Gonna call my lawyer and staff to start manufacturing and promotion.
Dhatura said:
I's such a nice idea! DLady pregnant with an Irish monsterrrrrr :Spin: :D

looool, kind of Loch Ness Monster of Ireland ;)

well just imagine what comes out of this happy family:


:loco: :loco: :loco:
vavonia said:
Bambi, the Tallaght-Fornia thing is just a front so that I can continue my investigations in as much secrecy as possible.....but this gym thing scares me. The real 'Duncan Patterson' would never do this...he has obviously continued on his body snatching....and knowing how his mind works, I think we are going to see some very strange behaviour from Burt reynolds...Charlie Bronson...or even worse....chuck Norris. No...fuck...not Chuck.....

DragonLady1....I am afraid you have no hope. You have eaten his food?. Expect to grow tentacles within the next 4 weeks. I am sorry.....

hmmm tentacles eh?? maybe thats why they call her dragon lady??

btw i heard chuck will actually ACT in the next series of waker:texas ranger, all is not well. And this thing that was patterson is making its way back to europe?? it al makes sense now: it broods in the depths of west meath gathering strength and then, when its fully matured it spreads its spore across entire continents. Fukking 'ell our Kev!! wot'll we doooo like??o_O