The two songs I want to hear most at ProgPower...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
"Take on the World" and "Ethereal Soul". Having been at the last three ProgPowers, these two tracks strike me as the type of songs that shake the house and cause serious neck damage.

Been waiting a long time to see/hear these guys live. Couldn't get to the Milwaukee Metalfest for their only state-side appearance (at least I think that was their only state-side appearance). Psyched for their PP appearance... wish their set was longer. :worship:

General Zod said:
"Take on the World" and "Ethereal Soul". Having been at the last three ProgPowers, these two tracks strike me as the type of songs that shake the house and cause serious neck damage.

Been waiting a long time to see/hear these guys live. Couldn't get to the Milwaukee Metalfest for their only state-side appearance (at least I think that was their only state-side appearance). Psyched for their PP appearance... wish their set was longer. :worship:

Hey that's another "noogie" for you at PP Greg. Those are two of my faves as well. If TM performs those two along with "In the Shadows" I might have to give Urban a noogie as well. Well maybe not, but who knows.... if they still have that Shiner Bock on tap anything is possible. I also dig Cyberdome, Life in a Lonely Grave, Sword of retrobution etc. etc. Shit !! TM has too much good music for the amount of stage time they are allowed. :yell:

General Zod said:
Given you credit me with turning you on to these guys, I think any Tad Morose related noogies would be unjust.

Oh come on Greg....... it just wouldn't be Prog Power without Bryant handing out noogies. In fact, considering you were the one that turned me on to TM, you get a double this year. A noogie is nothing more than Bryant's unique friendly gesture. Would you prefer me to act like one of my dogs when they see a friendly face ? I think a noogie beats sniffing your butt and licking your face, huh ? o_O



Bryant said:
Oh come on Greg....... it just wouldn't be Prog Power without Bryant handing out noogies. In fact, considering you were the one that turned me on to TM, you get a double this year. A noogie is nothing more than Bryant's unique friendly gesture. Would you prefer me to act like one of my dogs when they see a friendly face ? I think a noogie beats sniffing your butt and licking your face, huh ? o_O
WIntersReflection said:

Ha ha ha... dou dou da dunt da dunt.... noogie time..... can't touch this !!

I'm just picking at him. I've known "Zod" for several years and he's tolerated me this long, so he must be a pretty good guy. He is the one that sent me "Matters of te Dark" which was my first TM, so that's definitely a good thing. JonnyD over at oldschool is getting a noogie at PPV definitely. I think he is up in te Northeast fairly close to you.... Vermont I think. This wll be the first time we will meet in person. That should be pretty cool. Speaking of oldschool, you seem to be pretty popular over there. That is a pretty long and active thread. :D

General Zod said:
Given you credit me with turning you on to these guys, I think any Tad Morose related noogies would be unjust.

Well Zod, the combination of myself and Fang have overloaded the server at UM of people trying to log on to the TM forum..... well maybe not that much really, but we have spewed our fandom of TM on some other forums and recruited several to the unofficial Tad Morose Army. So in a way, you are partially responsible for this forum becoming so active.
Of course you shouldn't have sent the disc to someone as shy as I. I have to struggle so hard to make posts here. I am always worried about saying something stupid or worried someone might not like my new six-pack of Hanes crew socks. They have that cool gray toe and heel in them and I think they rock !!!

Lol, don't worry Bryant, no one's going to tell you to put a sock in it here. ;} :>D :struggling not to laugh at her terrible joke:

Bryant said:
Well Zod, the combination of myself and Fang have overloaded the server at UM of people trying to log on to the TM forum..... well maybe not that much really, but we have spewed our fandom of TM on some other forums and recruited several to the unofficial Tad Morose Army. So in a way, you are partially responsible for this forum becoming so active.
Of course you shouldn't have sent the disc to someone as shy as I. I have to struggle so hard to make posts here. I am always worried about saying something stupid or worried someone might not like my new six-pack of Hanes crew socks. They have that cool gray toe and heel in them and I think they rock !!!

Captain Foreskin said:
Man I can't wait for Tad Morose to hit ProgPower, I own 5 alnums (All but the first 2!) and am sposoring their appearance at ProgPower. It looks like me, Bryant, and Zod will be fighting for 1st row digs at the show. Lets start doing those push up guys!!! its on!!!!
I will end up being about 3 rows back. I am 6'1" and I find about three rows back is actually better for me. Can't see the drummer as well right up on stage. That is the same spot I was at (close to stage left) during Angel Dust at PPII and Vanden Plas at PPIV and TM has the same "slot". If I am anywhere else, the world might just implode or something.

WIntersReflection said:
Lol, don't worry Bryant, no one's going to tell you to put a sock in it here. ;} :>D :struggling not to laugh at her terrible joke:
Ha ha ha. Well maybe I will come out of my shyness soon and let everyone know just how I feel. >:p~
