The Ultimate Action Movie Star Poll

Who is the Best Action Action Movie Star?

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Sylvester Stallone

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Jean Claude Van Damme

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Bruce Willis

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
Steven Seagal IS a fail. theres no way mr straight to video can contend with arnie, his first few films were good, like hard to kill or marked for death and under siege, they're cool films. but after that? under siege 2? they had to CGI him running down a train carriage..... thats not good. he is pretty cool though, and could easily kill me, i have no doubts about that, but his action films just arent that great for me.

now think about the ones arnie has done, terminator, terminator 2, predator, total recall, red heat, raw deal, running man, true lies....

its not coincidence that the better action films there have arnie in them, although arnie too did do some horrific films later on, im looking at you collateral damage and eraser.

arnie for me!!

but i cant rule out stallone, who has done some fucking EXCELLENT films, i mean, who saw RAMBO being that good? it blew everyone away. hes done some really really gopod stuff, and he IS john rambo, dont bloody forget that! all the rambo films, rocky films, lock up, tango and cash, cliffhanger, demolition man, judge dredd.

sly has done some good stuff, hes a VERY close 2nd to arnie. bring on the expendables!!!!

You just said absolutely everything I had to say on the matter. Which saves me some time. Thanks!
Because chopping off limbs because the English slit your wife's throat isn't action AT ALL.

That doesn't make it an action film though. It's a historic (historically inaccurate m i rite guys) epic, like Troy (Fucking rad movie) or Gladiator.
That doesn't make it an action film though. It's a historic (historically inaccurate m i rite guys) epic, like Troy (Fucking rad movie) or Gladiator.

Dude if your talking inaccurate, Troy is your movie, and that movie stinks. Just my opnion.
Dude if your talking inaccurate, Troy is your movie, and that movie stinks. Just my opnion.

Got it on DVD. :lol:

I really like Troy but as far as epic battle movies go 300 is king. Unless you count Lord of the Rings which is FUCKING GOD. :kickass:
I watched a pair of Van Damme films the other night. One, The Quest, was alright because it had Roger Moore in it and it was a fighting championship type film. The other, Cyborg, was crap.

I watched Twelve Monkeys the night before and it was better than both of them put together even though it isn't an action film.
amen to clerks 2!! return of the king is the most overrated film ever made, fellowship was really good. but after that it did become a frodo sam love story.

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Fucking perfect.
The only good thing about Return of the King was the Battle of Minas Tirith
Same with Two Towers, except that extends to anything not involving Frodo and Sam.
its not coincidence that the better action films there have arnie in them, although arnie too did do some horrific films later on, im looking at you collateral damage and eraser.

Matt those were Ok, you forgot about Jingle all The Way. I think we can safely say that was his worst ever. :lol:
oh i was only mentioning his action films, for once im sticking to the thread! hurrah!

dont forget chuck norris, when we were recording the album in denmark, missing in action 2 was on so we decided to get a few beers and watch it, and if i rememebr correctly theres a bit where chuck norris makes a dinghy actually jump out of the water without a ramp or anything, it just jumps. i cant rememebr how long we laughed for.

i might need to check that actually happened.

but chucks films are generally shit, seen hellbound? he only gets such love because hes shit, in a good way. although still, he could solidly kill me.
on mel gibson...