The Unofficial "Post your Bootlegs and Trade" thread

dead6skin6mask6 said:
wow this is an old thread, but yeah...

The World U nborn
The Dreaming Mind
The Hurting Words
Garden of Gray
The Sorrowed Man
The System is Failing
Chances Three

Thank you very much.

I decided about two months or more ago that I'll never trade with anyone, anymore, ever again. So, this'll just be a little gem I'll drool over, and maybe will be released as a bonus sometime. Fuck trading, I always get BURNED. My boots and audio, will just stay mine, like it should. Fuck selfish TAKERS too, while I'm at it.

And why's the site not working?
dead6skin6mask6 said:
if you have AIM, message me at Nvrmr2FeelDPain... ill send it to ya ;)

Dude that is so nice of you. I'm on fossil dial up, and only have MSN messenger. Thank you though...

I do love Chances Three. What a sweet, delicate, heartwrenching song. Very powerful.