the USA thread -

I've got the next poster boy:

Gitmo is going to be closed by year's end, and there won't be any more trafficking to UNITED STATES prisons overseas (but they can use other countries' prisons with their discretion, I assume). Check it out at your favorite news vendor.
It goes like this ... Nine years ago we(USA) were attacked and 3000 people died.
In response, we started two long bloody wars, 5000 men and woman of our armed forces have been killed in these wars, a vast homeland security apparatus was built, all at a cost of trillions of dollars.
During those same nine years, 270,000 Americans were killed by gunfire at home.
Our response? We weakened the gun laws -

I thought these 2 videos were worth watching.

You can become president of the US with only 17% of the people voting for you, good to know.
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It's impossible to win the electoral college, for practical purposes, without getting near 50% of the vote (assuming there isn't a third party candidate).

It's a crappy system, but but that's how they do it here.

House congressional elections, to put it in perspective, are won by direct vote but they turn districts into squiggly thingies to make it impossible to lose. Something astronomical, like 90% of seats, lean anywhere from strong to non-competitive in favor of the incumbent.

So, the EC is actually fairer than most elections to the House. Much, much fairer, and the House elections rely on a simple count of votes within a geographically defined district.
The US sucks, Obama sucks, Bush sucked before him. Our entire two-party concept of government is a sham to divide the (mostly) unwitting public over issues they don't even really care about. Lambs led to slaughter.

But you know it's the same everywhere. There are 7.1 billion people on earth and 7.095 billion of us are just prisoners to the very small percentage that hold sway over most of the world's money and power.

It's depressing. As a species we are essentially doomed. It's only a matter of time before the whole thing implodes. We need to be out there exploring space, helping each other be healthy and happy and fulfilling our potential as human beings. Instead we sit around like a bunch of sheep with our empty consumerism and disposable lives arguing about retarded bullshit like gay marriage and whose religion is better.

You know, as much as people want to b**** about the US. It is still the best country to live in.

Now for criticisms:

Obama sucks (nothing but change with him, and he doesnt even do that)
Bush will be remembered as a good president in due time
Chris Christie would be a great president if he ever actually ran
Rudy Juliani would be a great one too if he could get the support
Jimmy Carter is still the worst president ever, but he was an amazing advocate for the environment
Ronald Reagan is regarded as the exact opposite of Jimmy Carter
The war on drugs has been a massive failure, in countries where drug laws are pretty lax, drug use is down, while in the US since drug laws have become strict, drug usage has spiked
Alcohol is still the worst drug for a person to have (Except for Heroin and Cocaine) and the US is all for allowing Alcohol but cracking down on marijuana
The US is not in a debt crisis, the us can print money at no cost, and while that creates inflation, since the US has a reserve currency that will always be in high demand, so inflation will never get too high
Gun laws in the US should not change, Australia made very strict gun laws after a mass shooting a long time ago, and while Australia has had gun crimes decrease, home invasions, rapes, and violent crimes have increased at a much higher rate in Australia. Less guns = less gun crime, but with less gun crime = more crime somewhere else
The US is the safest it has been in years, the only reasons things seem so bad to people is because we have the internet now. More technology has not made the US more dangerous, but has made the incidents that do occur easier to see and get a hold of.
The US has become addicted to college, if your kid doesn't go to college in the US he is looked at as a failure. This is a fundamental problem that needs to change, trade schools are an absolutely wonderful thing, and there is always need for mechanics, plumbers, etc.
Florida is the absolute craziest state in the US and it isn't even close
Political Correctness has been one of the worst things to happen to the US in a long while, anything you say can be construed as a hate crime now (Especially if it is towards a black person)
US Women are extemely superficial and shallow.