the vending machine is dead to me.


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Oct 7, 2003
Where you live
you take my money, yet refuse to give me my pretzels.
i hit you repeatedly.
you take my money for two pretzels (total), yet only give me one.
the other pretzel bag hangs, stuck between your menacing metallic coils.

no more money shall you take from me.
you, devourer of coins.
you, betrayer of hunger.
you, giver of false hope.
you are dead to me.
I feel your pain.

Just now, the vending machines were pretty cruel to me. First they didn't have Cherry Coke, and then the snack machine (which was virtually empty) made me buy some sort of nasty looking "Hostess ZINGERS" with coconut because they were blocking the cookies I wanted, and which aren't really that good.
I pump the vending machines full of quarters then watch rich kids put fives in and buy something that's 50 cents and get $4.50 in nickels :)