The vocal exercises thread


Oct 30, 2008
here's a few basic vocal exercises, recorded with my former vocal coach during a lesson:

Kick-ass vocal exercises

a short explanation:
the first 3 ex. should be done with your mouth closed, pushing air out through your lips. it's hard to explain so just listen to the tracks and you'll get the point.

ex. 4-6 are pretty much regular scales/arpeggios.

in ex. 7 you should pronounce the word "Uri" and roll the R

ex. 8 is pronounced "V" "Vo" "V"

ex. 9 is pretty regular

just trying to give back to the forum, if anyone has tracks he can add please do! and maybe we can create a nice vocal exercises compendium ;)
First three examples are called Lip rolls, great technique you always feel relaxed with it and never start to strain like you can easily do with a simple vowel.
Rolling R's has a similar feel to Lip Rolls. They're very good for warm ups because of this relaxed feeling.

Common vocal exercise scales:

Five tone scale
C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 F3 E3 D3 C3

Octave scale
C3 E3 G3 C4 G3 E3 C3

Octave and a half scale
C3 E3 G3 C4 E4 G4 F4 D4 B4 G3 F3 D3 C3

C4 = Middle C on piano.
Increase chromaticly from lowest note you can comfortably sing to the highest comfortable note
Good variations are to hold the highest note, switch the order the notes are played in, 3 octave scales and so on.
First three examples are called Lip rolls, great technique you always feel relaxed with it and never start to strain like you can easily do with a simple vowel.
Rolling R's has a similar feel to Lip Rolls. They're very good for warm ups because of this relaxed feeling.

I only do lip rolls when i warm up. 1 1/5 octave scale for as long as it takes to build up a natural compression. And that usually takes 15-25minutes. But after that i can sing for as long as i like without getting sour throat.

Brett Manning - mastering the mix is without a doubt the best vocal program i've used, better then all the vocal coaches i've been to
Brett Manning stuff is okay but it will only get you so far as it is based on some old principles. I don't think any of Brett's products even address screaming or growling techniques. For more versitile singing I would visit the Complete Vocal Institute website. Robert Lunte has some great stuff as well. I've heard a lot of people praise "The Four Pillars Of Singing" after leaving Brett Manning.
Brett Manning stuff is okay but it will only get you so far as it is based on some old principles. I don't think any of Brett's products even address screaming or growling techniques. For more versitile singing I would visit the Complete Vocal Institute website. Robert Lunte has some great stuff as well. I've heard a lot of people praise "The Four Pillars Of Singing" after leaving Brett Manning.

Well we talked about singing right??

After i build up that natural compression i can drive my voice pretty hard without getting tired, not growling of course but pressured voice like Corey Taylor type.
I watched a bit of Melissa horns Zen of screaming but i would not recommend it to someone who's not used to taking vocal lessons because some of her exercises can seriously damage your vocal chords.
I am just saying that for the price, Mastering Mix doesn't teach as many vocal modes or effects as it should. Edge and maybe a little bit of Overdrive on the chest cd but thats about it. Also, "mixed voice" isn't the greatest term to use as it usually just confuses students into thinking their is a register or a blend in between chest and headvoice. "Mixed voice" is really just low head voice. I totally agree with you on the Zen of Screaming, though.
Nice, I have heard a lot of good about Ken Tamplin's lessons lately. I know he encourages to stay in chest voice as high as possible before switching into head voice while Luntle goes about it the opposite way. Is that why you didn't like his program? I don't use it but I am curious.
are you talking to me?

was using the old "pics or it didn't happen" gag, but if we're on it, would be nice to get some audio files so i can prolong my vocal warm up.
the files i shared are my daily 10-min-practice to keep my voice in shape and, being an AE forum, if anyone is able to share audio files similar to mine it would be awesome!

*needless to say every exercise will be added to my playlist and if we can get to 30-40 mins it might help a lot of vocalists round here :)