The Voice Connection

Keeper of the Seven Cheese

Metallic Progressor
Mar 8, 2005
Sydney, Australia
I posted this in the Dungeon forums also however I think there might be quite a few fans of Power Quest who may be interested in developing this skill.

I frequently visit a site called The Voice Connection which is run by a very cool guy named Jaime Vendera. You may have seen him on Mythbusters shattering glass. Anyway I probably like a few of you want to improve at singing and I have found that his book is really great called "Raise Your Voice" and I really think that all of you who are interested in improving your voice or even getting better at singing to help with backup vocals would find this a real benefit.

He has written 2 books: Raise Your Voice and The Ultimate Breathing Workout and a second version of the former will be released soon.

If you want to scream your ass off like many people may have learnt from Melissa Cross' Zen of Screaming or just be able to sing in a clear strong voice without strain or even develop your full voice to lose the quality of tone by using falsetto in your higher register then I think that Jaime's site is for you. Help make this site the biggest site for the voice.

Cheers dudes.