Voice Vibrato?


Metalistic Madman
Sep 3, 2002
Gävle, Sweden
This has been buggin me for a while...

While I am a guitarist first and foremost, I do have a decent voice.
I was both singing and playing in my last band, but I never figured out the secrets of voice vibrato. Is there any technique I could use to learn how to do this?

I'm not sure if I'll ever have any practical use for it (I was more into grunting while in the band), but I'm a big fan of Halford and when I hear his excellent voice vibrato I go "hey, that would be neat to be able to pull off". =)
I think you have to do it with your vocal chords just picture them moving up and down I guess... my vibrato sucks it's way too slow. I think it depends on how fit your voice is for it. Don't move your mouth to get it it's supposed to be all done with your vocal chords.
That's how I've been trying to do it, but I haven't been very successful yet...maybe with more practice...

The thing is I can do a bit of vibrato in certain tone ranges, while it's impossible in others. Although I've mainly been growling before, I think my voice suits clean singing better, so that's a reason as to why I want to learn it.

Anyway, I've noticed with opera singers how they do some trick with their tongue (! - if you've watched opera you'll know what I mean - they open their mouth so damn much, you can almost see what they had for lunch...and they do some stuff with the tongue on the vibratos =) ). I've been trying to duplicate it, but it haven't gotten me anywhere yet.

But yeah! Thanks for the feedback! =)