How do i make my head and chest voice sound similar?


New Metal Member
Nov 22, 2002
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Because right now, my head voice sounds like a sissy girl, but its really quite powerful according to my choir teacher.

I'm in a classical choir singing bass, so i don't often work on my head voice, but before I joined it was powerful before and i don't take private lessons.

My head voice and chest voice sound very very differently, one like a man and one like a woman. my teacher said i need to work on getting them to sound the same but that's quite difficult :confused: as i don't know how to go about doing it.

any suggestions/tips/websites/exercises?
:lol::lol::lol: like a sissy girl? :lol: (i'm sorry for the laugh :grin: )

Let's see.... The first thing that i'm going to tell ya is that your teacher shouldn't tell ya to change your voice, your best bet is to try and see if you can change it a little but don't force yourself too much (you could damage your chords doing it) i'm sure that you know how to change from chest to head voice so try singing (in a low volume) in head voice and see how low your head voice can go.

i'll see what else I can come up with