About Warrel's voice

That's not nessessarly true. Mike Patton only had 1 singing lesson soon after he joined Faith No More. He said 1/2 hour into it, his instructor(a dude) hit on him and that was it.
What people say and what is true is often different. Especially in the rock world, it's "not done" to admit you've had singing lessons.

But as you say, genetics plays a big part in it. I've had the luck of having a voice with a good sound, but the jinx of it beingterribly vulnerable. But "no training" generally means "bad singer". And NO singer can be as good as Warrel without training. It just isn't possible.
Some of the best singers I know had very limited, to no vocal training. Others have been studying vocal theory and taking lessons for over 20 years.
What about smoking and singing? Is it ok if I only smoke like once or twice a month? I used to do it much more then that over the period of about three years. :waah:

I mean...Simen Hestnaes and Mikael Akerfeldt smoke...so I should be ok right? Right? As long as I'm not trying to have a high range and just do some low-mid range vocals?
Even Geoff Tate smokes like a chimney, but I advise against smoking, for your voice, but also for your wallet and health. And it stinks.

But as far as vocal folds are concerned, don't smoke. Smoking burns away the small hairs in your pharynx that keep mucus from dripping down. If you burn them away, mucus will flow down freely and hurt your voice. And then there's also the matter of drawing hot smoke over delicate membranes.
Thanks Stormo! I don't smoke ciggarettes but it's hard to turn down weed when it's offered to me. I'll just buy a vaporizer one of these days and cut down even more to maybe once a month.
I've got it! I'll just cook with weed from now on like that guy on here a few years ago. I wonder who that was. It looked kinda like Sphongled but it might not have been him. And then Karen posted something. Isn't it weird when you remember something for the first time in a long time or maybe you never remembered it.

So this joint im smoking right now shall be my last! And I'll drink more too!
Hey Ambivalent, why don't you contact Warrel about lessons. ;)

I mean, he's got to have some spare time since the DVD had been canceled. :lol:
Hey Ambivalent, why don't you contact Warrel about lessons. ;)

I mean, he's got to have some spare time since the DVD had been canceled. :lol:

Hopefully he'd reply to this thread, that way I can feel special that I got vocal tips from the person that I'm trying to emulate. :)

THE DVD'S BEEN CANCELED?! Well, that makes sense, since Jeff Loomis is persuing a career in politics. http://www.jeffloomis.org/
I have this strange mental image of that politician dude who's not nearly as awesome as Jeff (I really need an asskissing emote) just shredding the ending arpeggios on Sentient 6 on one of Jeff Loomis's new custom models.

It looks way weird.