The WASP thread (with thanks to Sydo)


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Waiting in my letter box on Thursday afternoon, courtesy of Sydo Enterprises Inc, was a copy of First Blood, Last Cuts. I'd been looking for this for ages and at last it's mine, *mine* I tell you!

Prior to this I only owned two WASP CDs (Headless Children and Crimson Idol), but now I'm all caught up on the best of their earlier material and plan to get the first album, The Last Command and possibly Live In The Raw ASAP.

How good is I Don't Need No Doctor? :headbang: Must track down Humble Pie's original so I can compare the two versions.

Our Syd also thought to include an "unofficial" (read: burnt) compilation of more recent WASP tracks. Some great stuff on here, even though Blackie and the boys don't seem to be having as much fun music and lyric-wise as they did in the 80s.

The debut is the best WASP album :headbang:

Wrathy, "Hellorado" from '99 has all the fun of the '80s stuff! Songs like Cocaine Cowboys, Saturday Night Cockfight, High On The Flames, Don't Cry Just Suck.... great rock & roll album!
W.A.S.P. are great. :) Listening to Helldorado the other day, it struck me how similar a lot of the guitar work sounds to AC/DC.
Hello. :)

Glad you're enjoying the early WASP stuf Wrathy.
Inside The Electric Circus is an album I'm too sure whether I'd recommend or not. It's got some 'great' moments, particulary the opening 5 or so songs; such as The Electric Circus, I Don't Need No Doctor, 9.5. NASTY, Shoot From The Hip, Restless Gypsy, I'm Alive. The problem is that the album ends in a string of the worst WASP tracks ever. So bad they are I can't even remember their names.

Helldorado has it moments. It does sound quite a bit like ACDC I suppose, but it reminds me more of Motorhead's 'We Are Motorhead'. To me, Lemmy made the exact album that album Blackie was trying to do.