The Way Rock Should Be Done - Black Country Communion 2


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
I'm not a big fan of the Super-Group idea as they tend to end up less than the quantities they are made of, Chickenfoot as a prime example - never lived up to the hype. When I heard that Glenn Hughes, Joe Bonamassa, Jason Bonham, and Derek Sherinian were forming a "group", that group being Black Country Communion" I had serious doubts that it would make it more than a single album.

Then they released BCC (self titled) I was surprised at how well it turned out, but I still had my doubts that while I enjoyed it quite a bit, it still did not seem like they were really a group that would last - top it off by the fact that they only did a handful of shows to promote it because of Joe's solo touring schedule and I really thought that not much would come of BCC.

Well, my mind has been changed with the release of "2", the originally titled second album in less than a year from BCC. It is rock with a big old capital R. The way a rock album should be - kick ass from start to finish, nothing that feels like filler and a production that simply makes me want to move. Kevin "Caveman" Shirley is an unofficial fifth member of BCC, not only Engineering and Producing their albums, but also in on almost all the song writing credits with other band members, he also happens to have created a monster of a rock album. I've been grooving to it since purchasing it yesterday and it keeps getting better. Unlike on the first dic where I was a little underwhelmed with the production as I felt it was a bit thin and felt rushed, this one is kicking my ass. The drum sound is huge with Jason Bonham really one of the true stars of this disc. Kevin wanted to get a better drum sound for this disc so he went to a studio with a huge drum room to get Jason that killer sound his father was known for - if you don't find yourself air drumming with this disc you must be dead. Shirley has been quoted as saying that this is the best record he has ever produced and I agree. It's the wole package from guitar, bass, drums and vocals. I'm now convinced that they will be releasing new albums for a while as they have really gelled as a "group", to the point that they are no longer just one of those come and go "super-groups".

Highlights for me are "Faithless', "Ordinary Son", "Smokestack Woman", and "The Battle for Hadrian's Wall".

Did I forget to mention that I'm going to see Black Country Communion tomorrow night on the third show of their US tour - I'm so psyched to see them since buying this disc. I'm right up front on Joe's side of the stage and plan to have a blast. Needless to say I'll report back later this weekend.
So - I'm back from New Hampshire and one of the best concerts I've been to since I don't know when. I'm still recovering from the performance, Glenn, Joe, Derek, and Jason gave one hell of a performance.

Since I could not say it better than this review in the Union Leader Newspaper I'll just post it and link to it - it really was one of the best concerts I've been to. I hope they continue to make music for quite some time.

Supergroup Black Country Communion rock the beach

Published Jun 18, 2011 at 7:00 pm (Updated Jun 18, 2011)

Black Country Communion

First a little background. The rock SUPERGROUP Black Country Communion consists of Glenn Hughes ("The Voice of Rock", Deep Purple), young blues LEGEND Joe Bonamassa, Derek Sherinian (Dream Theater, Alice Cooper) and Jason Bonham (the son of John Bonham from Led Zeppelin.

They performed at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom on June 17, 2011. You know what they say about seeing a band live? There is either nothing like it in the world or it leaves you lacking. Suffice to say there was no lack in this act. I sat in a suite in back with a full view of the stage and from the start of the show the music took on a life of its own, bringing some of us back to the 80s, others to the 70s. Their sound melds both genres and decades together, pulling from heavy metal, the blues, British rock and a bit of funk. They manage to combine that with a modern sound, which is an accomplishment that no other group has been able to master before.

It's no wonder then, that the audience was drawn in right in from the moment Joe Bonamassa grabbed his guitar and played like the genius he is. With the exception of his "Ballad of John Henry," (which is) truly a masterpiece of music by itself, he stayed in the background though, letting Glenn Hughes take center stage. There was a moment too, when Derek and Jason traded a percussion solo with Sherinian finessing the Hammond B3 Organ with its haunting sound, calling out to the Gods, and Bonham channeling his father with sweaty fervor. But it was Glenn Hughes who ruled the roost, romping from one end of the stage to the other like the veteran rocker that he is.

Hughes, who put Black Country Communion together, was the star this night. His voice reached heights that few rock musicians can muster and he completely OWNED the stage with his flamboyant flair, strutting his stuff, making eye contact with the audience and handling his guitars like they were an extension of his body, if not his heart. Hughes, who was born to be a front man, stalked the stage at times with a grin or a scowl on his face, reminiscent of Billy Idol, held his guitar up high and challenged the audience to cheer him on. And they did, time and again.

They started with songs off their first album, like "One Last Soul," a heavy mid-tempo tune, and the audience seemed to feed off its catchy chorus. They eased into music from their new album Black Country Communion 2, seizing on to songs like the unforgettable "Save Me," feeding the audience doses of 70s-infused rhythm. “Faithless” was guitar heaven, a moving, dig-down-deep dramatic song that was a highlight, thanks in part to Hughes' remarkable range. The ballad “Cold” was a personal favorite.

Bonamassa shined with “The Battle for Hadrian's Wall,” one of the few times Hughes didn't load the stage with his larger than life persona and made-for-rock-n-roll voice. But the two guitarists bantered on stage and seemed to truly enjoy the interaction. That interaction, the two superstars having fun on this small stage, made the show radiate with youthful energy. They have a chemistry that is undeniable; the brooding, dark whiz kid in Bonamassa playing off the spark lit by the fiery and dynamic bass player-turned front man Hughes. And when they sang together it was magic. “Song of Yesterday” highlighted their vocal harmony perfectly. They harmonized off one another so well, it was like they've been doing this their whole lives, and in fact, they have. Bonamassa has been performing since he was twelve and Hughes has been around the music world for some thirty-odd years. Together they ripped clean, polished vocals; if there can ever be such a perfect thing in rock and roll.

It was one for the record books at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom. The show ended with a rally, the audience clapping furiously and chanting “Man In The Middle!” (their most recent single off their new album) and “B (stomp) C (stomp) C!” The band delivered, and the crowed was on their feet when they erupted with a blistering encore featuring the funk-driven rocker “Man in the Middle” and a blast from the past with “Burn!” from Deep Purple. In a twist, Hughes applauded the audience and thanked them for coming. It's always nice to see a band appreciate their fans but I'd like to take the liberty here to applaud the “Voice of Rock” and his supergroup for a memorable show that is now written into Casino Ballroom history along with those long ago shows of Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin and the like.
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Thanks, Jind, for posting this. I hadn't heard about this. I had only even heard about the first CD because of suggested things on Amazon. But I wasn't impressed with the production on that one, though I'm a big fan of Glenn Hughes. But, this 2nd CD.....I love it! If you only like metal, you'll hate this. But I agree with you Jind, this is a great ROCK album. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
Bumping this thread as I only just discovered this band and fucking love the second album :headbang: anyone into vibey rock check it out ! So glad the likes of CLA didn't get his hands on this . Love this track

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They recently announced the release date for their third disc titled "Afterglow" (who would have guessed they would choose a title other than BCC 3 after two albums named 1 & 2 :) ). It's set to drop on October 30th of this year. Really looking forward to it.

this is really cool. I caught on to Bonamassa in 05 or 06, they played his song "reconsider baby" on college radio and it just floored me, went out and bought the record that same week. I heard this was happening a couple years back but never did get around to checking it out, kicking myself now.
Whoa... Just found out about these guys.... Nice thread dudes... Definitely killer....
this is really cool. I caught on to Bonamassa in 05 or 06, they played his song "reconsider baby" on college radio and it just floored me, went out and bought the record that same week. I heard this was happening a couple years back but never did get around to checking it out, kicking myself now.

I'm going to see Joe Bonamassa up at the Springfield Symphony Hall in November, taking my wife out for a night of dinner and great music for her birthday. While I'm much more of a BCC fan, she is a big Bonamassa fan (don't get me wrong, I listen to a lot of joe's music myself, but she LOVES his music). We have great seats for the show, now I just need to figure out a good restaurant for dinner.

Hopefully BCC comes around on a tour for "Afterglow", I know I've read posts from Joe saying they will, but it will be a bit more limited than the last tour as he has his own album that is doing well to support as well. I get the feeling that he's more interested in BCC as mostly and album group with very limited touring (maybe a few shows - record one for a DVD release, but not much more) - he has said that BCC is not his money maker and he has worked too hard on his solo career to take focus away from it.

Personally I don't care either way as long as they keep releasing the occasional album of great classic rock music.
Since were three weeks away from BCC's next release, perhaps their last given the somewhat public tiff going on between Glenn Hughes and Joe Bonamassa, which seems to relate to Glenn wanting to tour more as BCC and Joe's very valid concerns about keeping focus on his primary solo career (it pays the bills), I figured I'd revive this thread with the webisodes that have been released so far as the build up to the October 30th release of "Afterglow".

I'm loving what I've heard so far and the 30th can't come around fast enough.

and a video for the song "Confessor" from Afterglow. You can get a free download of the song at

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