The weather


Pixel coordinator
Jan 9, 2002
Alingsås, Sweden

Doesn't look THAT bad anyway.
Ok ok, stupid question probably but I've been wondering now for weeks if this festival is outside in the open.

It IS in the open...right? :worship:

It IS in the open...right? :worship:

No. It's in a hall. The location is called Sjiwa (named after the Hindu God which is called Shiva in English).

In principle, rain and cold weather would be no big problem. Except for the fact that you have to get to the club and back to Kasteel de Berckt (or whereever you are staying).
remember my 1:st PP, 2004 when Gathering finished.. my legs/feet was hardly holdin' me up....

It's really nice with the seats outside when the sun shines which was fixed the year after..

If it rains I hope there's more tents outside...

Don't wanna drag along raincoats, do we?
Hmm, the site I was checking still gives a 40% chance of rain all weekend :eek: I'll pack an umbrella just to be safe.

The only problem with these kinds of events is that during the day it's shirt weather, the evening is sweater weather, the night is jacket weather and inside the venue it's almost too hot for clothing at all!
The non-smoking rule!! That means that for once I can listen to more than one band per day without horrible side effects :D