the white stripes are my new awesome favorite band

i think the time i called her from college and said i was arrested for man1 was probably enough ... you're right.
ok that might just make her have me hospitalized. !
i was thinking i'd just call her and tell her my laptop came and i dropped it. ahahh
every year since i was 10 my grandfather has called and said 'well kid... i killed your grandmother today with the cement shovel.....'
my best prank yesterday was telling my arch-conservative friend Paul, "Holy shit! I guess Bush didn't know he was still miked and they captured him saying, 'Well, seriously, fuck Iraq.' Dude, Kerry just won the election!!!" and Paul was like OH MY GOD THAT'S FUCKING HORRIBLE! ARE YOU SERIOUS? OH MY GOD!

I kept the joke going for awhile and envisioned Kerry's crushing campaign commercial (show images of Bush looking sincere and being like "We are here to help the Iraqi people...we are liberators..." and then cut to him smirking and saying "Fuck Iraq") and Paul moaned about the nation's impending loss of Bush until finally the truth came out.

A Girl at my ladyfriends work got pregnant from a drunken one night stand (and was going to get an abortion - ed), and decided it would be a good idea to tell one of their fundamentalist christian co-workers about it... so after the girl goes to the bathroom and cries for an hour, and there is all this mumbo jumbo... the girl says she is going to quit work, because she cant work with a hypocrite.. then the pregnant girl sends her a note that says APRIL FOOLS!!.. but it is actually totally true... sickest fucking thing ever.. I dont hit girls.. but I might just stomp one.