The "Who on UM would you have a beer with?" Thread

i dunno most of you are kind of annoying

most likely i'd get on better with the people who don't drink

imagine drinking with polarity though jesus christ
Ozzman (if he comes out in Nov. I'll show him how to pound a 30 pack of Busch in record time:kickass:)
Faith No More cause he is hilarious.
Childrengrinder to shoot the shit about prog and hopefully bang one of his Brazilian girls.
Bluewizard, he doesn't drink but oh well.
King Richard cause he's a hoosier.

adding V5
So he could recommend me some more good shit like Demiurg!
Let ME be the one to introduce you to the joys of alcohol bro.
After all my name isn't Belligerent for nothing.
^Yeah, this thread is more in theory to me, in other words who would you want to hang out with, shit how could I forget you Belligerent.
Nice dude.
You make me feel all warm and tingly inside.

*and no it's not from the 1/2 bottle of Crown Royal I've been drinking since I've gotten off of work*:kickass:

Holy shitballs i'm WASTED!!