The whole European Tour is cancelled

I really laughed hard about that. He destroyed the band because of making a album that is (arguable) more straight and mainstream? For me it didn't ruin them. It's a welcome change. Now I can listen to a complex album like ISOT or TIC if I feel like it or listen to MMA or Torn when I want harder music. It's great if you see that much variety in only one band! That's what I especially like about them. And I also like it in other bands (e.g. Ayreon, Symphony X, Sonata Arctica)... There are a lot of bands that changed over time and it doesn't have to be a negative thing.

AND it's not Tom who ruined the band if this guy should really be right (which I doubt!!!!), but the whole band. Because it's them who decided to make MMA and not Tom. He may be head of the band. But whole Evergrey has 5 members
MMA is definitely a grower, I love it. But I think it's not the album to get into them with.

This one is not for Andiferum in person, it´s for all forum members:
Please do not let this be a starter for another pointless discussion how much you love/hate/disagree with each other about MMA! We have a thread about that and you all know how that went!

I place my vote on that we should keep this thread whit info/rumours about why this tour so sadly was cancelled!

Rumors mean absolutely nothing. All we have is random speculations and that means shit. Basically, unless there's an official announcement we won't know why it was cancelled, and it doesn't matter anyway. It was cancelled, it sucks, but hopefully we'll all see them live sometime in the future. And let's drink to that :kickass:
Whatever the fuck happens, Grey will always continue to be my number 1 band as I've never felt, in anytime of my life, such a pleasant feeling, listening to anyother band, as I had listening to them!

Thanks and don't stop the excelent music you do! :notworthy

Your time will come!