The Wicker Man (movie)


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Is it really "the best British horror film ever made" (as the DVD cover boasts)? I picked it up in Target the other day, but I didn't have a spare $34.95 so I put it down again :). Christopher Lee's in it, so I expect no less than utter brilliance.

i would have to be better than the maidens film clip of the song
The Wicker Man is an awesome film, but it's a little avant garde... the plot revolves around paganism a lot and even though it's not a musical the cast inexplicably burst into song here and there. It's a very strange movie, but the ending is sheer triumph!
We watched it one night.
It was pretty good but I fell asleep during it. In the morning, I asked how it ended. She asked when I went to sleep...."just as they were putting him in the wickerman".