The Wicker Man


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I didn't want to let this get lost in the movie thread because I think several of you here need to see this movie like, right away and stuff. JayK, lurch, I'm looking in both of your directions. I might be giving you the evil eye as well, but that's unrelated. Anyhow.

1973 British film with a sordid past, a bit of controversy, lost negatives, some whacky bullshit, etc. Starts off pretty cheesy BUT has some titties so interest is still kept. Then about 45 minutes in it turns into some of the most awesome and intense thriller/horror stuff I've seen in ages. It's not shit yer pants scary or OMFG excited, but it's just really well done and has quite a mood. And Christopher Lee! Plus I mean, the titties.


7 thumbs up.
Well, Netflix has it. I don't know if that does you any good, but has a PAL version of it, so mayhaps you shall finally see it soonish!
Read the first line in first post....I've had this on DVD for about 6 years now. Don't worry about me mate, I know all about this CLASSIC.

Edward Woodward at his finest, next to his Equalizer role of course. :tickled: And Christopher Lee can do no wrong EVER.

Further still, the IRON MAIDEN song rules, and Bruce actually ends up inside the Wicker Man when they play it on stage and they set it on fire and there are chicks inside and I just got wood.

I'm listening to Edge of Sanity right now: "Twilight" :kickass: Swano's growls aren't bad indeed.

Right, time to go back and finish reading the first post.
By the way, if memory serves me right, the chick is Britt Eckland!! She was the Bond girl in Diamonds are Forever. She is hot and I even like that cheesy folk song she sings to Woodward through the bedroom wall. It's got a Jethro Tull thing going on.

NAD, Doomcifer - wanna go to that festival in Chicago and drink beer and watch Slough Feg?
From what I hear, this movie has one of the best soundtracks ever. I've heard a really good track from it, and Nature & Organisation covered a song from it.

I ordered it in a freakin month ago and I'm starting to get fucking pissed because the local CD store I ordered it from seems to be completely incompetent as I ordered it a month ago and it's STILL NOT IN YET WHAT THE FUCK.

I really want to see the movie itself sometime, I've heard many good things.
since I'm on reading week, maybe I'll try to go find a copy of the DVD in the city somewhere, but then again I think I'll be occupied with the prisoner all week.

decisions, decisions...
Someday I'll watch the rest of the Prisoner series. I really like it, but it's one of them have to be in the right mood thingies.

I'm sorta doubting the Chicago thingy. Would be fun though.
Let me tell you guys something about The Wicker Man:

It's a movie trapped in time. It hasn't aged whatsoever and that 1960's psychadelic vibe is sealed within. The setting is cold, the music is laced with acid, and Christopher Lee is the baddest pimp this side of Saruman. Much like Rosemary's Baby, the fatalistic theme is sorrowful and yet necessary.

Plus, like NAD said, it's got titties.
Some of you guys get to genre films so late: Wicker Man, Exorcist III, etc.

Too much talk of Dodgeball type flicks....which can only be a good thing. :loco:

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and... Dodge. :tickled: