Exitium is a 10/10 song.
The rest of the album is mostly damn boring. Sounds like a second rate Nevermore at times. Boring thrash and wanky solos. Sorry Warrel, you are still one of my personal heros, I'm just being honest. That's why I hoped this would be a new solo album, since that was more focused on songwriting instead of musicianship.
Second rate Nevermore, seriously? I didn't expected I would say this one day, but it's seriously above anything Nevermore has done since DNB.
I just can't stop listening to it, it's mesmerizing. This album is a trip: When you arrive to the last song of TYTSD, it's the end of a journey exactly like DNB was a journey. I love this aspect of musical voyage in albums and TYTSD is exactly that. Something that has not been done for far too long.