The Zen of Dave Lombardo

where is the link to that interview anyway ... i remember Vincent sounding mighty gentle also.
Ayeka said:
Yeah, I mean, I was quite surprised when you said it took you awhile to notice him

I know exactly why it is. Up until 1990, I was playing serious guitar, and I had tuned myself into listening only to that instrument. I would spend hours transcribing and learning stuff (that's why I know "Rust in Peace" so intimately as well, I've yet to discover an album with such guitar perfection/purity/wizardry, it's actually a joy to transcribe that stuff). Over the years though, guitar took a back seat, and I weened myself off from just listening to the guitar parts.

I actually purposely stopped playing guitar just so I could enjoy songs more, and not just listen to solos and riffs.

But don't get me wrong, I always knew Lombardo was a genius, but it's not until I *really* listened to his stuff on Seasons that made me realize he's a demi-god.
Shit. Now I have to rethink my Lombardo v. Sandoval championship round, because Ken Owen was the fucking MAN in Carcass.
I guess it depends what you're looking for; finesse, pounding, speed, etc. For me, Ken had it all. I mean he had to, going from grind to death metal to death n' roll.

But that Sandoval, damn that dude can pound that double bass. Trym was damn fast, too, but that's all he could really do.