the ZIDANE way!

I was trying to figure out what does frog means :lol:

But now i understand what you mean :lol:

It's like if my nose was very hard to see because of the small size :lol:

Keith : Yeah i don't look french, i am even more rough :lol:
its about french are frogs due to they eat them and use them for physical experiments :D
awsomw vid

Audun_Of_Bodom said:
I havn't heard anything about this since I saw it during the game. Why Zidane headbut that player, has anything been said

i was watchin the news the other day and they said that the italian player said something about zidanne's mum...thats why he did that
Audun_Of_Bodom said:
I havn't heard anything about this since I saw it during the game. Why Zidane headbut that player, has anything been said
my freind sent me an interview he did shorty after, and I cant be botherd to find it.

it went somthing like this

"I had a choice, to either win The World Cup, or headbutt a guy in the chest so hard he fell to the ground. I believe I made the right choice"