The_Preppy : " i hate wusses"


Overly-Cryptic Jake
tell me what you think of this.

i started an interview with deerhoof for the workshop. while i didn't "LOVE" their new album, i understand why people do... and thought that an interview would be a good read for the site.

well, i guess the dood that got my questions read my review before responding... and he doesn't like me anymore. here is how shit went down.


* Was the new album more poppy by design?

My poppy likes it more than any of our other albums, but that wasn't neccesarily by design. For this album we tried to make it full of Satomi's voice, which is what I understand you don't like about it.

* Was the writing process for this album different from any other?

I'd guess it was different from "Miles Smiles", "Another Side of Bob Dylan", and probably a whole host of others.

*You guys seem to be one of the buzz bands right now. Does that put more pressure on you, or do you feel a little more relaxed like youve finally made it?

Actually we're $30 short of making it. I need to tell Chris to sell his distortion pedal.

* Do you worry people listen to you for the wrong reasons (with all the hype around you)?

Like what? Our haircuts? Our nude dancers?

* Is it weird to be called an experimental band?J You seem to just be creating abrasive pop.

It might be experimental to be called a pop band, until we know for sure if we're popular. But it's abrasive to be called a weird band, I can tell you that.


or am i being a baby and reading too much into this?
so i tell the PR co. to call it off, because he doesn't seem into it... and the dood writes me back.

"Dear Jake,
Sorry you weren't into my answers. No pressure to run what I wrote, but just so you know, I didn't think anything was wrong with your review, and I worked really hard on those answers. I know it may not seem like it because of my use of jokes and puns, but that's my style when I do interviews - ask anybody!
See ya,

greaaat, what do i do now?
either way, that's what I'd call a "bad interview"

it's one thing to joke around, but if I was interested in the band I'd feel let down from reading that. It's barely entertaining.
whatever, he was being pretentious and tried to backpedal. nice try.... anyway, that bums me out that he's such a neradario.