THEATRES DES VAMPIRES "Pleasure and Pain" reviews

from Live4metal (UK)

Theatres Des Vampires – Pleasure and Pain (Dreamcell11/Aural Music) review by Pete Woods
Thus the covens were torn asunder and the blood feud saw Lord Vampyr striding off into the night to bring the world his own solo project and debut album De Vampyrica Philosophia. I cant comment on this having not heard it but can say that his departure has not stifled Theatres Des Vampires creativity in the slightest and new album Pleasure And Pain seemed to come from out of nowhere. It is certainly different from Nightbreed Of Macabria and on first listen the thought that it was somewhat rushed was my immediate concern. However my mind has changed on repeated listens as its spell has been cast like a fine net, ensnaring and enchanting.
If anything, this virtually sees TDV stripped down, the Grand Guignol and symphonic aspects of Nightbreed have been replaced by a much more Gothic feel to the music. The album is notably shorter and a more compact listen as well. Another thing that definitely struck me was that many of the songs are slower and lacking the savage attack of the past. This does however make them just as dark and menacing affairs and in fact probably the best word to describe many of the compositions here is sultry.
This is mainly due to the fact that Scarlet now takes centre stage in the vocal department and she certainly proves admirably proficient on album. She had already illustrated that she was a force to be reckoned with on stage and spread a certain media frenzy by allowing fans to share her blood on stage. The blood may well be the life but in this day and age the safety of her actions is certainly debatable and warnings have gone out that such sports will not be tolerated on the forthcoming tour.
Despite the somewhat emasculated line up there is still plenty of masculinity in the vocals with plenty of guests being invited into the coven. Flegias from the totally underrated Necrodeath, Dhiloz from Ancient, and members from Ensoph and Stormlord are all present in the backing sense.
The title track takes us in like a masochists wet dream. A sensuous twisting rhythm teases oh so subtly like a whip being tickled over bare flesh. Scarlet huskily and full of promise is there to promise sex and death, the two intertwined as they can only be. Building up to a chorus that sounds to me like the lady is begging "rape me, fuck me", if my ears are not deceiving me (no lyric sheet you see) we have a track that is as likely to be used as a theme song for female rights groups as it is to gain radio airplay. Never Again has the vocals sounding very 80s but in a style that I cannot quite compare to anyone in particular, the male vocalist does the best Andrew Eldritch style backing in contrast and the melody oozes dangerously and richly around them. Mellow as hell but beautifully beguiling is Rosa Mistero, this is enhanced totally by Fabian’s keyboard weave and vocals which sound like a red Indian squaw ritually calling down the great gods. Reminding me of Asrai at first we have Solitude, which strikes me as a neck biting in the corner of a very dark club sort of number. Despite the suggestion of loneliness, this is textured, full of romance and yearning, as well as some operatic misery drenched cries from the pits of the damned. Forever In Death is if anything more upbeat and danceable, having a strong hook in the chorus it may well get those undead members up from the dark corner and onto the floor. Swathed in 80s futurism Let Me Die cites the Human League in the retro keyboard department and is a mournful elegy full of despair and abject anguish.
It is one of the extra tracks that really stopped me in my tracks the second I played it and realised that this was a cover of Mater Tenebrarum from Keith Emerson’s Inferno soundtrack. This is a bold move by the band covering such an audacious piece of music yet I’m glad to say they pull it off. Apart from the timing sounding very slightly different they have the huge atmospheric choruses demonically spot on and evoke the majesty of the original piece with aplomb.
The blood is still strong with this one and Pleasure & Pain is a fine nighttime listening pleasure that I will be enjoying for some time to come.
METAL MARCH (portugal)

rate: 8/10

Theatres des Vampires are pretty much a well known band these days. They might not be signed with one of the top labels, but their history speaks for itself. They were formed back in 1994 and have released quite a few number of albums up to date.
I can't really say I'm a big fan of their music genre, but I have been following their career, specially during the last few years. I've always felt they had a very personal and unique music genre, despite the fact they are without a doubt a Gothic Metal band, still their sound is very different from most bands of this genre you listen to these days.

"Pleasure and Pain" is the new album from this Italian band, and there were quite some expectations around it since the departure of Alexander, the former lead singer, who started another project entitled Lord Vampyr. But if you think they got someone else to replace him, guess again. Scarlet steped up for full-time vocals, so this was a major change for the band since the male vocals were left out, at least concerning lead singing. There are still some male vocals here, but just as backing vocals.
If you have been following the career of Theatres des Vampires, then you'd notice their music style changed quite a bit. From something similar to Black Metal to Gothic Metal, I'm sure they lost a few fans but also gained a few more, like with any band that goes for the same thing.

"Pleasure and Pain" is quite a pleasing album. It's not impressive, but it would be hard for that to happen due to the changes the band went through, specially during the last year.
"Never Again", "Rosa Mistero" and "Black Mirror" are all great ways to get to know this album. And if you are just getting into this band and you loved this album, please bear in mind that the previous albums are nothing like this one, which can be bad or good, it all depends on your personal preferences. What goes without saying is the quality of this band, so make no mistake about that.
Bard F said:
Cool!! "Pleasure and Pain" is a code666 release!! Didn't know...

yes, you're right, TDV is not a code666 band at all, they are on Dreamcell11, but since we are posting their reviews here, I guess that people can make confusion...

"Modern gothic metal" and its clichè are well coded into the DNA of "Pleasure and pain", therefore if you're into this style here you got a good morsel for your tiny vampire teeth!. The production is solid even if every once in a while the vocals are a bit "weak" and probably also the mastering could have been a bit more bombastic. This cd in enriched by some good melodies, at last I've used the term "clichè" because Theatre des Vampires know how everything should be done to stick perfectly to the genre and they way they follow this lane is a bit too dogmatic sometimes. The female vocals are sweet while their male singer recalls vocalist such as Aaron from My Dying Bride or the mighty Peter Steel (Type O Negative, Carnivore). Honestly also the music is not so far from the combos I've mentioned even if Theatres des Vampires are not equally powerful, the italians give much more emphasis to romance (sure with such a name!). A touch of dark music flows in their veins, let's say Sister of Mercy is the name even if I can't say if that's a direct influence. After all, the "mainstream" label is not out of place for a release like that, the structures and the production are good hints to justify that. Although it may sound obvious: If you're into their style, I'm sure you can dig Theatres des Vampires, if you're'd better look somewhere else.

rate: 8/10

Desde Italia, y con una trayectoria de seis albunes en diez años nos llega Theatres Des Vampires. Banda que ha ido evolucionando su sonido desde el gothic symphonic black metal hasta el gothic metal de estos momentos.
Después de Nigthbreed of Macabria, disco sacado en el 2004, vienen con fuerza para presentarnos su nuevo trabajo, Pleasure and Pain.
Al igual que en anteriores discos, su temática gira en torno a los vampiros, la sangre, el dolor, la muerte. Por eso, han llamado a su música vampiric metal. Sus conciertos son famosos por el espectáculo que hacen, en el cual, Scarlet se autolesiona y da de beber de su sangre a los allí presentes.
En Pleasure and Pain, todo gira en torno a la voz de Sonya Scarlet, con su voz desgarrada, susurrante en alguna canción, como puede ser en Pleasure and pain, que es el corte con el que se abre el disco.
También encontramos varias canciones en las que se conjuga el duo de voces masculino y femenino, que tan buen resultado da en los grupos góticos.
Nos encontramos con dos bonus track, Mater Tenebrarum, que son coros de voces femeninas y masculinas y con un remix de Pleasure and pain hecho por Das Ich. En referencia al anterior trabajo, Nigthbreed of Macabria, encontramos varias diferencias como pueden ser, que en Pleasure and Pain no han utilizado apenas los teclados y las canciones son más lentas.
Las fechas del lanzamiento del disco son el 10 de noviembre para Inglatrerra, el 18 de noviembre para Alemania, Austria y Suiza y el 28 de noviembre para Europa menos para Rusia que será el 6 de diciembre junto con el resto del mundo.
from AMBOSS MAGAZINE (germany):

THEATRES DES VAMPIRES "Pleasure And Pain" (Gothic Metal)
(Dreamcell11/Aural Music)
Die Vampire Gothic Metaller aus Italien bringen mit "Pleasure And Pain" ihr
siebtes Album seit ihrer Gründung 1995 heraus. Mein letzter Kontakt mit
ihnen war das "Suicide Vampire" Album anno 2002, welches mich überweiegend
begeistern konnte. Richtig leblos wirkt dagegen das neue Album. Leider.
Außer einer gruseligen Atmosphäre, die zugegebener maßen richtig schaurig
schön ist, ist nicht viel geblieben. Ich vermisse die bekannte Spielfreude
und Power. Romantischer soll das Album laut Info sein und im Gesang
konzentriert man sich nach dem Weggang von Alexander und seiner
Kreischstimme nur noch auf Sängerin Sonya Scarlet. Das ist ja auch kein
schlechter Vorsatz, aber müssen die Songs deswegen gleich so blutlos und
leer klingen? Ich hoffe nicht, dass die Italienischen Vampire musikalisch
so blutleer und leblos bleiben und bald wieder bessere Songs abliefern. Da
hilft auch der gelungene Bruno Kramm Remix des Titelstückes (dem einzig
guten Stück auf "Pleasure And Pain") als Bonus zum Schluss nicht mehr viel.
Schade, schade.
from LORDS OF METAL (holland)

rate: 60/100

Bij de recensie van het vorig album 'Nightbreed Of Macabria' was ik al niet laaiend enthousiast en ik vrees dat het er niet beter op geworden is door zangeres lady Scarlet een grotere rol te geven. De simfonische orkestratie van weleer heeft plaats gemaakt voor een meer sobere aanpak. Grilligheid is vervangen door romantiek. Alexander die instond voor de mannelijke zang heeft de band inmiddels verlaten om zich te concentreren op zijn solo carrière. Het label dat zich nu over de band ontfermd is Dreamcell11, een onderverdeling van Aural Music Group.

Theatres Des Vampires richt zich duidelijk tot de zwart van top tot teen goth liefhebbers en daar zal dit Italiaanse vampieren theater best wel wat aanhang hebben. Ze zijn tenslotte al bezig sinds 1995. Onder de metal fans zal dit een moeilijkere klus worden. Want wat heb ik genoteerd tijdens mijn luisterbeurten? Namen als Lene Lovich of Das Ich. Bruno Kramm van Das Ich heeft trouwens een remix gemaakt van het titel nummer dat we hier als bonus aantreffen. Experimenteel theater met een laagje muziek er over heen, zo kan je het ook bezien, want ik neem aan dat de live show vrij boeiend is. Mijn indruk was dat de beste nummers in het begin van de cd staan. 'Pleasure And Pain' en 'Never Again' zijn donkere gothic nummers met afwisselend vrouwelijke en mannelijke vocalen. Ja, je leest dit goed. Mannelijke vocalen op dit album worden verzorgd door gastzangers als Flegias van Necrodeath, Dhilez van Ancient en Giampaolo van Stormlord. Vrij creepy en zwartgeblakerd. 'Solitude' is een knap nummer dat aanvangt met piano en kirrende babygeluiden. De mannelijke zang neigt fervent naar Type O'Negative. Een ander erg goed nummer is het met vervormde krijsstem gezongen 'Forever In Death' (wat de mannelijke inbreng betreft) terwijl hier ook de gitaarsolo van het album nog even passeert. Helaas slaagt de rest van het materiaal er amper in om mijn aandacht vast te houden, ook niet de twee bonus tracks die het album rijk is.

We kunnen besluiten dat dit album heel wat toegankelijker is dan zijn voorganger, maar het aantal songs dat de middelmaat niet overstijgt ligt nog vrij hoog. Waarom dan toch een iets hoger cijfer dan zijn voorganger? Omdat dit meer mensen zal aanspreken, juist door die eenvoudigere en romantische aanpak. Zo simpel is dat, en dan zijn mijn eigen voorkeuren van inferieur belang.
Score 60/100 (toelichting)
From Chronicles Of Chaos

Pedro Azevedo (5/10)

Theatres des Vampires play modern gothic metal, with a major emphasis on all things gothic, and obviously a theatrical, vampiric overtone -- theirs is certainly an adequate band name. Gothic male vocals combine with a female voice and occasional distorted vocals, while the guitars and drums have precious little heavy or extreme metal in them. What Theatres des Vampires aim for is keyboard enhanced atmospheres, dramatic vocals and catchy choruses to carry them through the album. While the band cannot be automatically faulted for their choice of genre, they do lack some kind of spark in their songwriting to drag the album away from the realm of the instantly forgettable. There is nothing particularly remarkable going on throughout _Pleasure and Pain_, with the well polished sound turning out to be ultimately inconsequential. For all its convoluted vocals, _Pleasure and Pain_ fails to convey much emotion through that particular medium; it also falls well below the standards of efforts like The Vision Bleak's recent _Carpathia_ in terms of mixing gothic atmospheres and metallic crunch. Overall it isn't a bad effort per se, but even dedicated fans of the gothic metal genre are likely to find that it lacks distinctive qualities -- unless you are entirely willing to dispense with the metal side of things altogether and stick to gothic rock, in which case you might want to add an extra couple of points to my rating.
from Walls of fire

rate: 3/5

Bereits ein Jahr nach dem letzten Album „Nightbreed And Macabria“ bringen die italienischen Gothic-Metaller von Theatres Des Vampires ein neues Album heraus, und wieder mal hat die band recht interessanten Stoff gesammelt, der rein musikalisch kaum Grund zum Meckern bereitet. Auf „Pleasure And Pain“ findet man diese bekannte Horror-Atmosphäre und dazu diese düstere Romantik wieder, die man bei dieser Band immer wieder entdecken kann. Außerdem sind die Klänge auf dieser Scheibe noch epischer als auf den letzten beiden Releases, haben gleichzeitig aber dann auch eine symphonischere Ausstrahlung.

Am Gesang werden sich aber weiterhin die Geister scheiden. Frontdame Scarlet hat einen sehr eigenen Stil, der einen entfernt an Christian Death erinnert lässt, doch mit ihrer manchmal schrägen Stimme wird sie auch dieses Mal wieder im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion stehen. Ich persönlich finde ihre Performance eher durchschnittlich, und da sie den größten Teil der Vocals übernimmt, stört das schon so manches Mal. Da gefallen die männlichen Kontraparts schon besser, zumal die zuständige Person Ähnlichkeiten mit einem gewissen Pete Steele aufweist. Leider ist der Gesang auch im Endmix sehr weit nach vorne gerückt, was gleichermaßen bedeutet, dass die sphärischen Keyboard-Parts (die hier wirklich sehr schön und ausgewogen eingesetzt wurden) und die allgemein schaurige Atmosphäre nicht immer in ihrer vollen Ausprägung zum Zuge kommt. Welch wichtige Rolle diese Elemente spielen, zeigt sich spätestens in den instrumentalen Passagen zwischendurch, in denen erst die gesamte Schönheit der Musik von Theatres Des Vampires so richtig durchkommt. Leider ist das auf „Pleasure And Pain“ trotz vieler guter Ideen und einer ansonsten astreinen Performance nur viel zu selten der Fall, und es fällt einem nicht wirklich einfach, immer mit gleichem Interesse zuzuhören. Das ist natürlich sehr schade, denn Frontdame Scarlet kann ihre Stimme auch viel geschickter einsetzen, wie zum Beispiel beim opernhaften Bonustrack „Mater Tenebrarum“ geschehen. Bei den regulären Songs vergisst sie aber, welch breiten Stimmumfang sie hat und limitiert sich somit viel zu stark. Darunter leiden schlussendlich das Album und auch das Endresultat, das zweifellos viel besser hätte sein können. Nach der starken letzten Scheibe ganz klar eine Enttäuschung!
from METAL

rate: 4,5/5 (amazing)

Dear Metalhead, let me introduce you to a very good Italian Gothic Metal band that comes from Rome and is led by a beautiful and really talented singer, Sonya Scarlet. Their name: Theatres Des Vampires.
They are quite famous all over Europe and especially in England, where they are considered to be true "Idols". Scarlet feels so involved during the concerts that she often scares people by cutting herself up with razorblades to allow fans to drink her blood, to share her immortality. In 2005 several English clubs forbade her to do this, because it violates the English laws because of the incitement to suicide. But Theatres des Vampires weren’t dismayed by all that and carried on with their live shows: theatrical, full of blood, sex, perversion, horror and lust. Their shows are always very attended and have been enriched with fireworks as the years went by, with a more and more sulphurous atmosphere and Scarlet’s "out of line" presence. Unfortunately the band often has problems with the local laws of the countries where it plays, but people love these kind of “special effects”, and they have all kinds of fans.
"Pleasure And Pain" is their fifth studio album and music critics already consider it as the best album of their career even from the very first listening during studio reports. The famous special guests that are present on this album witnessed all this. We’re talking about: Bruno Kramm of Das Ich, Flegias of Necrodeath, Dhiloz of Ancient and members of Ensoph and Stormlord. The album contains 9 tracks and 2 bonus tracks: “Pleasure And Pain”, remixed by Bruno Kramm (Das Ich), and "Mater Tenebrarum” (cover). “Never Again”, “Rosa Mistero”, “My Lullaby” and "Forever In Death" are only some examples of this fantastic album! Extraordinary vocal parts performed by Sonya who also wrote all the lyrics for "Pleasure And Pain". Excellent production and excellent musicians.
This amazing album is currently available all over the world. "Pleasure And Pain" is going to be the beginning of a new era in the history of the band. Are you ready for the Italian vampires?

rate: 68%

Theatres des Vampires n’en est pas à son coup d’essai. On peut même dire que ce septième album aura vu avant lui un peu de tout, y compris l’ignoble « Nightbreed of Macabria », qu’on espérait bien de plus entendre de si tôt.
Outre une originalité sans borne dans le titre, « Pleasure and Pain » nous montre des italiens revenant à des occupations plus « gothiques ». Car les ombres qui planent rappellent à notre bon souvenir des groupes qui ne les quittent pas : Christian Death, les Fields of the Nephilim et consorts (cf le chapeau très McCoy sur les photos promos du groupe) avec une touche plus métallisée et juste ce qu’il faut d’érotisme sanguinolent de la part de Mistress Sonya Scarlet (!), après tout on a affaire à des vampires (re - !).
L’écarlate demoiselle se voit même secondée dans les backing vocals par un parterre de choix : Flegias de Necrodeath, Dhiloz d’Ancient, Nicholas d’Ensoph et Giampaolo de Stormlord, chacun nous gratifiant d’une prestation très typée goth. Au niveau personnalités qui donnent de la crédibilté, notons également un remix du titre « Pleasure and Pain » par Bruno Kramm de Das Ich, dans une version très « baroque et décadence » de l’empire.
Force est d’avouer que dans le registre attaqué sur « Pleasure and Pain », Theatres des Vampires parvient parfois à être bon (« Never Again », « Forever in Death ») mais sur la longueur se maintient plutôt à un niveau honnête sans être fulgurant. Avec des guitares typiques («Reason and Sense ») et des arrangements orchestraux pertinents secoués par des riffs classiques, T.D.V n’usurpe ni le terme de gothic ni de metal et se pare d’une aura sombre en accord avec sa musique.
Si les goths seront tout de même perplexes et prendront du recul par rapport à « Pleasure and Pain », la frange des nouveaux venus au style trouvera sans aucun doute matière à se peindre les ongles en noir et se barbouiller les yeux de rimel. Il en faut pour tout le monde et T.D.V propose dans ce sens une introduction au style relativement sérieuse, par ses sonorités.
from ORGAN MAGAZINE (printed-UK)

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]ALBUM OF THE WEEK :[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]THEATRES DES VAMPIRES – Pleasure And Pain (Dream Cell) - There’s moments on this that really do jump out. Ridiculously over the top, rich dark operatic gothic pomp and circumstance, laced with the kind of driving Hammond that would make ELP sound like a pop band in comparison. Some of this is very very very dark, some of it extremely gothic...... Dark in terms of both their music and their lyrical content. This is their finest album yet, liberated and gloriously over the top in every way, a long way from their black metal roots now. How much more vampire infested and black can it be? The answer in none, none more black. Sonia Scarlet in the focal point and the dominating voice now, (was she always? Waiting for the band to notice?). Lord Vampyre’s place as male vocalist taken by various guests from Necrodeath, Ancient, Ensoph and Stormlord. Seductive twisted darkness and a stylish splatter of Italian horror - symphonic excess of the first order. Elegantly dark, completely utterly preposterously over the top, progressive dark wave opera, lush adventures on the darkest of dark sides. You’ll either lustfully lose yourself in their glory or think it to be ridiculous rubbish – there is no sitting on the fence with Theatres Des Vampires - we love it. And you need the bonus track, their version of Mater Tenebrarum as well as the final Das Ich remix of the title track... The cult Italian outfit’s finest moments yet.[/SIZE][/FONT]
From Lords Of Winter (France):


Vétérans de la scène italienne, Theatres des Vampires nous propose avec ce Pleasure And Pain son septième album studio. Si pendant de longues années le groupe s’inscrivait dans un registre black metal vampirique, mais toujours relégué dans l’ombre du grand frère Cradle Of Filth, il a, depuis quelques années, pris un virage volontiers plus gothique, avec toujours en ligne de mire ce côté vampirique, ce dont atteste allègrement la teneur de ce disque.

De metal gothique il en est ainsi question sur les trois quarts d’heures que dure ce disque, dénoué de toute violence. Le schéma de ces onze titres est le même sur tout l’album, reprenant sans grande surprise le traditionnel modèle du couplet – refrain. Bien évidemment, les compositions insistent volontiers sur les ambiances avec au menu une certaine théâtralité, un petit côté sensuel et surtout un gros côté kitsch. L’on remarquera que la basse est bien mise en avant, imprimant de ses rondes sonorités chacun de ces titres. Reléguées au second plan, les guitares se veulent assez légères, proposant le plus souvent des arpèges, mais ne refusant point à proposer quelques riffs plus consistants. La part belle est faite aux claviers: l’on retrouve ainsi des nappes atmosphériques ou bien encore des lignes de piano et de clavecin, avec, pour trait commun, une certaine grandiloquence dans leur propos. La théâtralité de l’ensemble se retrouve au niveau du chant, bien mis en avant par la production. Si le chant féminin de Scarlet domine l’ensemble, cette dernière se voit fréquemment accompagnée d’un chant grave gothique et parfois même par quelques vociférations vampiriques. Tout cela nous donne un ensemble ô combien médiocre. Si l’on trouve quelques chansons correctes sur ce disque comme Never Again, - qui pourtant n’est qu’un plagiat du générique du film Captain Orgazmo -, et le titre Solitude, force est de constater que ce Pleasure And Pain n’est en fait qu’une série Z du metal gothique, possédant tous les ingrédients du parfait nanar. En effet, la production est ainsi bien mauvaise et totalement aseptisée, avec un abominable son de guitare ressemblant plus à celui d’un clavier bontempi. Il faut ajouter à cela un batteur qui s’est mis en mode boite à monorythme. Ensuite, le groupe n’est pas franchement inspiré et se fourvoie en reprenant moult gimmicks sans aucune personnalité et conviction, d’où cette forte impression de lassitude à l’écoute de ce disque. Le summum de médiocrité n’est autre que la prestation de miss Scarlet: son chant est catastrophique, notamment dans ce registre pseudo sensuel, mais il en est de même lorsqu’elle essaie de chanter normalement. Complètement insupportable, le plus souvent d’une rare vulgarité, c’est sans doute la plus mauvaise chanteuse qui m’ait été donnée d’entendre.

Si ce Pleasure And Pain comprenait quelques idées convenables, la meilleure composition étant à mon avis le remix du morceau titre par Das Ich, nous sommes tout de même loin des effets d’annonce le concernant. Si la découverte de cet album n’est pas sans déclencher quelques fous rires en raison de tous les éléments cités ci-dessus, l’on ne peut que déplorer sa piètre qualité: un vide abyssale mettant bien en exergue le manque de talent et de classe de ses auteurs. Comme vous l’aurez compris, ce disque est tout simplement à oublier, tout comme ce groupe qui ne vient que saturer une scène déjà bien fournie en formations de cet acabit.

(Asgeirr - 09/11/2005)