Themes in TMI, and relations to the cover photo

now, this is an interesting thread. and it's far too intellectual for me (you know, if i think for more than, say, 5 seconds, my brain overheats :rolleyes: ), so i'll just sit back, relax, and watch you people debate, trying to learn new things about an amazing album. ;)

Originally posted by Hiljainen
I don't know how that object is called..i always called it "that thing" :D
this made my day :lol: i have a lot of objects called "that thing" too :lol: :D

I would like to think the objects on the TMI cover allude to the shortness of life, birth and death. For example:

a) jaw bone - the very basis of a (human) body, thus enabling life itself. Yet often associated with death and decay of the earthly body. Revealed only after death and decay.

b) candles - used as a metaphore for life, lighting a candle (birth) and the candl burning out (death).

c) black velvet - a bit more difficult, but... fabric is a very lively material, yet this one seems like a funeral veil or the gown of a widow in mourning.

d) withered roses - this one is obvious: first a bud, then a flower in its full bloom, finally a withered rose.

f) ring/bracelet - umm... usually rings are related to marriage. A ring that is removed from the finger of its owner would IMO suggest that the marriage is over - maybe through death of either spouse?

This all seems too obvious at first (the rose, the candle etc.), but I think (since all of these objects are portrayed on the cover) they have to have a connection, and this is the one that seems the most likely to me.

As for the connection between the items and lyrics of the album, I agree with all that has been mentioned.

here's my thoughts:

a) Jaw Bone - death, element that binds us.. our basic level of being.

b) Candles - warmth, life, the soul, gold. 2 candles, two souls, crossed suggest the 2 souls are entwined in some way.

c) Black Velvet - i'd say more black gauze, a shroud or veil... death mourning, secrets, hidden. Notice how the Bone rests on this.

d) Withered roses - death... the possibility of beauty once, but these have been cut, and withered.. a life ended before its time?

e) the 'bundle' - to me this seems like a nest... suggesting a shelter.. warmth.

f) ring/bracelet - i agree with earlier comments that this appears to be symbolic of some sort of union or marriage

g) canvas with DT logo and blood - hmmm think the DT logo is of an eye... the Minds eye... suggesting a period of inner reflection.. covered with blood suggests reflecting upon loss.

h) red canvas under roses - again i'd suggest that this is red gauze... red suggests danger..warning, blood.

Right.. i think the picturecan be seen as a story of two people from left to right.
We start with the Ring/bracelet.. suggesting a union or marriage. Our eyes see the stems the roses... suggesting love is blooming.. the next thing is the nest... these people have a home together... now our eyes move further right... we reach the head of the roses.. but they are withered.. why? Notice how all of these objects lie upon the red gauze.. suggesting danger.. warning of some bloody event (the gauze also reflects the hazy like quality of the story, like it is being remembered)... as we travel right perhaps our questions are answered as we see the two candles, the two souls are unlit.. death of both the lovers? Again the roses suggest their love was blooming and beautiful but was 'cut' tragically short. Now we move to the canvas... here we see the DT logo, a mind's eye.. perhaps the band is reflecting in themselves on the events that occurred (whether real or not) in their music.. the blood suggests the theme of tragedy... finally we move right.. to the bone.. suggesting death.. but also acceptance as the bone is 'laid to rest' and we can see physically that the 2 souls no longer exist.. the bone lies ontop of a black gauze.. suggesting now we can mourn.
[note: in egyptian culture.. black is symbolic of rebirth and new life, but not sure how much that helps]

Anyway thats my thoughts.. if anyone can attempt to tie this in with the lyrics, i'd be grateful.
Damn just realised i forgot the beads...
I think the black shroud could be some kind of reference to Tidal Tantrum.

"Come death of dearling
the claws of the raven hold fast"

Also in how it's positioned under the skull...
Originally posted by Hiljainen
yeah i always say "quella roba là..." or such to explain somehting....nobody understands obviously :lol:

am i the only one to find sort of creepy that you often refer to small tangles of wire at all, regardless of how you call them? :p
