
Theocracy Fan!
May 14, 2012
Northern California
Hey everyone. I've been in contact with K-love's on air music department about playing Theocracy on their station(s). I told them briefly about the band and gave them their web address a few days ago.

I just received an email from them and they were VERY positive about the band & said they would pass the information along to those in charge of the on air broadcasts.?!

Anyway, I'm super excited about this and thought that if some, or all, of you could drop K-Love a quick email requesting the bands music be played, they just might do it.
Haha, that would be a classic moment. Some good ol' kiddies listening to Brandon Heath, and Laying the Demon to Rest comes on next.
I had never heard of K-Love before, so I Googled it. I'm not that knowledgeable about this kind of music, but I know enough to realize it's lighter fare than Theocracy. Maybe they're looking to branch out? Laying the Demon to rest, as M@rs mentioned, might be a bit much for their regular audience, but perhaps On Eagles Wings or Hide in the Fairytale could interest some listeners.
Hide in the Fairytale, Light of the World, and perhaps The Master Storyteller would probably all do pretty well on Christian Rock radio.
On Eagles' Wings and Wages of Sin, as well, but they're from older albums, so stations probably won't play them.
Hey everyone!

I just heard back from K-Love, and they want me to send them 2 songs for them to hear so they can consider playing them on the air!

I'd really love your input as to which songs would be best to send them. I was thinking about these 3 since they sound a little bit slower than the others.

1. Hide in the Fairytale
2. Drown
3. Light of the World (this might be too fast)?

PLEASE let me know what what you think (I can only send in 2 songs). I'd love to have your input in picking the best songs for K-Love.

This might be a little far fetched, but its' definitely worth a shot!!'
Thank you all,

If they can be from any album, I'd do Bethlehem and On Eagles' Wings.
If they have to be from AtWB, Light of the World and Drown. K-Love would never play Hide in the Fairytale (aside from the fact that it's a fairly heavy song, despite the melody, it's lyrics can be a bit controversial for something as safe as K-Love. "Tell me why he'd wreck his life to get some on the side.").
Kind of funny that someone would find that line from Hide in the Fairytale controversial in this day and age, but yeah, you have a point there. With that in mind, I guess I'd suggest Light of the World or Bethlehem instead, along with my original suggestion of On Eagles Wings. Actually, Bethlehem would probably be the safest choice.
What about The Master Storyteller ? It has one of the strongest choruses of all time, plus it's not as heavy as LtDR or Nailed or even Hide In the Fairytale.
Light of the World would be a good choice too I think.

And from MoS : On Eagle's Wings or Bethlehem.
From the re-mastered Theocracy Album ( :rock: ) : Theocracy !!!
Everyone's suggesting Bethlehem because it's very soft but I don't think that's quite what K-Love is looking for and I think it'd give the wrong impression of Theocracy. On Eagles' Wings and Drown are both bluntly Christian and Light Of The World is a great option too.
I'd definitely say On Eagles' Wings. The chorus is so epic and catchy. It will draw people in and they will never be able to stop listening to Theocracy again. At least that's how it worked with me. :)
This is awesome!! I listen to k-love all the time and if Theocracy could be on there???!!!! WOW!!!

Anyway the best choices would be: On Eagles Wings or The Master Storyteller, the latter i would recommend as it is newer and is imo the most radio friendly.
Master Storyteller has my vote. light enough and catchy enough for "positive, encouraging k-love"

Drown has some ripping guitar parts, which still give me chills, will be too much I think.
I hope it works out because K*Love is very big south west. Although K*Love is alternative rock they may consider it. I used to work with a dude at KLove Making radio commercials here in Tucson, and they are good people. :) Keep me posted please!
In my area we also have Air1 which is the same company that runs K-Love. Air1 tends to be "heavier" music though, so Theocracy would fit better on it.