Theocracy show review from 6-23-06


\m/ \m/ MMMETAL!!
Oct 15, 2003
Atlanta, GA
Hey all,

So I went up to Athens GA (for what turned out to be a two-hour drive in heavy traffic and pouring rain on a NASTY Friday night) last Friday to see my friend Matt Smith's band Theocracy play a kickin' 30-minute set to close out Athfest.

Unfortunately the band didn't get to actually go on till 2 AM or so, but they made it well worth the wait (and the drive up, at least for me). One new song (a song whose name, unfortunately, I didn't catch), plus several tunes from the debut CD including "Ichthus", "Mountain", "The Victory Dance" and the crown jewel of the night, "The Serpent's Kiss" to close the night out.

Matt's powerful voice sounds just as fantastic live as it does on the record, and his guitar skills were on full display as well, from crunchy rhythms to furious solos. New bassist Josh Sloan is a great addition to the band, fitting in as if he'd been with them for ages. Drummer Shawn Benson is an absolute monster behind the kit, maintaining inhuman tempos and playing complex fills with effortless ease. Theocracy is normally a three-piece band, but a friend of Matt's, Jon Hinds, was a special addition to the lineup for this show, and he too slotted perfectly into the mix, playing rhythm and lead with equal facility.

I took bucketloads of pictures from the show. Most of them (the good ones, anyway) are up on my Flickr page. They can be seen at

It was a GREAT show, definitely enough to whet my appetite for the band's appearance at the upcoming PP pre-show party. Can't wait to see them blow everyone off stage there -- and I hope to see large numbers of you people there too. Matt's done a hell of a job putting together a band that's capable of bringing his music to life. You owe yourself a trip to see 'em play.

Nice promotion...gonna be a surprise hit (and fave) at the pre-party, I'll bet...

Rock on!
Wow, I had NO idea they were performing at Athfest. Not surprisingly, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution didn't mention them in their article on it.

Of course, they completely forgot to mention Slayer's show at Lakewood Amphitheater (!) earlier tonight, too. What a sorry, sorry fish-wrapper of a newspaper it is.
I really wanted to go to this show, but was unable to due to a variety of circumstance (I'm a minor, so I can't legally drive past midnight, I don't have a car, blah blah blah). Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait for the Pre Party.
dcowboys311 said:
I really wanted to go to this show, but was unable to due to a variety of circumstance (I'm a minor, so I can't legally drive past midnight, I don't have a car, blah blah blah). Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait for the Pre Party. do realize the pre-party is 18+ only right?

Glenn H.
Everytime I hear about Athfest, I think, "Oh great, more useless Athens indie bands ... yippee." You read about it in the Red & Black year after year, and it's the same ol' crap. I had no IDEA that y'all were playing. I would've gladly sit through the drivel to see y'all play at 2 in the morning or whenever. I'm so angry I could throw up - matter of fact, I think I'll go do that now.

Yea, Theocracy was awesome, I have been to every show of their's yet, and this one was their best for me, they were really tight live and it was a well played set. Damn you matt, my neck still hurts, not to mention it still hurt when Slayer kicked my ass last night too.
