

Mar 10, 2011
What is "Theocrapella" on side 2 of the new Theocracy digibook?

Furthermore, what IS a "digibook"?

I feel ignorant. :)
The "Theocrapella" track is a mix-down of different choirs from the "Mirror of Souls" album, so no new "real" track. So I think it will remain a 7" b-side exclusive. :)

A digibook is a bit similar to a digipac, but instead of the included booklet [that usually comes with a digipac] the pages are attached to the digibook like in a real book. Also the front and back covers have more of a cardboard feel to them, than the "thicker paper" feel that a digipac got. So to conclude; a digibook is a bit more exclusive and cooler than a digipac, haha. :)

I realized after making this post that my questions had already been answered. :)
Guys... you do know I asked this, right?
This is a digibook edition of "Mirror of Souls", so yes, all tracks of the album are included + some more goodies. Check the press release thread for all information on what's included.

And btw guys, haha.. We all know Matt got quite a sense of humour right? I'm pretty sure the poop reference from "TheoCRAPella" didn't come as a surprise to him, in fact I bet it was intended.. :)
And btw guys, haha.. We all know Matt got quite a sense of humour right? I'm pretty sure the poop reference from "TheoCRAPella" didn't come as a surprise to him, in fact I bet it was intended.. :)

Yeah, I figured that pretty much had to be intentional. It's hard to imagine something like that just slipping by.
I went to a school for four years that had "Lassiter" in its name. You guys would have had a field day with that...

But now that I think about it, I think we're going to have to tell Emil that we'll need to do a reprinting of the third album's booklet to change Jared from playing "Bass" guitar to something like "the guitar with four strings that has the lowest pitch"...just to avoid this becoming a running Theocracy gag

But now that I think about it, I think we're going to have to tell Emil that we'll need to do a reprinting of the third album's booklet to change Jared from playing "Bass" guitar to something like "the guitar with four strings that has the lowest pitch"...just to avoid this becoming a running Theocracy gag

Change it so that it says he plays the "sardine guitar".