There is no longer glory in war -a poetic expression


Sep 4, 2002
Without the Darkness
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An hour or so ago (just after 4 PM, Thursday, 20/3/03) the little Muse who sits upon my shoulder stirred up the angsty goth poet within my soul and inspired me to write this:

There Is No Longer Glory In War

There is no longer Glory in War"
In the eys of Gods they do abhore!
Valhala has shut it's gates
And all the valkyries, weeping, wait.

The battle falls to the Machines now
And all the distant dead never shall
See their killers as they die
Or the merciful comradary in their eye.

No longer are their Honoured Dead
-Merely corpses filled with lead.
While the Generals all sit and smile
And say this War will last a while.

The end of Tyranny they desire,
Whilst all around them life expires.
"The End Of War!" they do declare
While the World sinks into despair.

Goen are the Marches and the Songs;
The Glories! The Victories! The Righted Wrongs!
Gone is the Passion. Gone all!
Now let the shells violently fall.

Gone is the pride in the Campaign.
Now all left to Rot, To Gore and to Maim.
Whilst in their tombs, the Caesers weep
To hear the marching of bloodied feet.

Where has all the Glory gone?
Where is the pride? Where is the Song?
And all those ancient peoples who graced
The Fields Of Battle -that ancient race

Who showed Empire was all for nil
When not for for Glory, only to kill
And die in some distant land.
At some vain ruler's crazed command.

Where are those Hallowed Men?
Now all their days they do spend
In their shattered tombs they lie
Never to live and always to die.

-Ewan 'Shadow' Waterman
"The Pimp NeonBlack"
20/3/03 4:30 PM

Please note that this poem is a tribute to those ancient days of battle when man stood against man and stared him in the eye as he took his life. Those were days of courage and not the nihilist wars of today when we never even see our enemies, let alone share our fear and anger with them. War lacks the passion of the past.
I, as both Ewan "Shadow" Waterman and The Pimp NeonBlack, hope you all find some solice in these raved words and some peace in this shattered world.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Ewan "Shadow" Waterman
Valhalla wouldn't shut it's gates, you only got in IF you were slain in battle.

But not bad, though. :D
NoLordy Capone said:
Valhalla wouldn't shut it's gates, you only got in IF you were slain in battle.

But not bad, though. :D

Not quite, No Lordy.

Valhala was reserved for those who died a glorious death in battle, not just anyone who died on the Field of Battle.
From what I's has heard and read, when a warrior dies they must stand before the Gods and speak of the deeds they accomplished in battle and the victories they have won before being allowed into Valhala. And once in, they are placed on different levels according to how much prestiage and glory they have accumalated in battle.
But The Pimp may be wrong about this and will gladly be corrected if anyone can show I the truth (or an actually translation of Norse Legend).

But in the poem, the image of the gates of Valhala being shut was a statement to emphasise the fact that there is no glory in modern war and thus: no true warriors like in those ancient days. It was merely a metaphor based upon my's knowledge of legend and nothing more.
But thank you very much for your opinion, No Lordy.
The Pimp NeonBlack