I no longer care about TV

Kiss The Void

Captain Awesome
Feb 23, 2004
Fresno, California
or movies for that matter...

i've come to the conclusion that most TV shows and movies can be broken down to having 2 possible conclusions (guy will die, or live...couple will fall in love, or break up) and i usually don't give a shit about either possibility.

even shows i "like per se" i don't bother watching. for example, i like house, i like the charachter house...but every episode is more or less the same thing, someone has a problem, he has to find out what it is, they die or don't die...and along the way he makes quippy jokes and smart assed comments....but i just don't give a shit.

yeah, dexter sounds interesting i guess....i'll still rock an episode of iron chef from time to time...but yeah...

and whats this master blasters?

mythbusters is an okay show, but usually doesn't hold my attention. i totally fancy that girl on the show though.
All of these threads are the same. Someone either posts, or doesn't. I read threads I don't care about but I like the characters, and they all make quippy jokes and smart assed comments.

touche, but the difference is...i'm involved and so are some of my friends...i get to type and listen to music and look at large boobies all at once...so i don't get bored with it as fast.
i totally fancy that girl on the show though.

'Cause Kari Byron is hot.

I watch all my TV on DVD now. Can rent the first disc from netflix and if I like it I can grab the season. Currently I am following Weeds, Battlestar, Dexter, and Lost, but when Battlestar ends I'll pick up some new series I guess (new Joss Whedon, if it lasts).
'Cause Kari Byron is hot.

I watch all my TV on DVD now. Can rent the first disc from netflix and if I like it I can grab the season. Currently I am following Weeds, Battlestar, Dexter, and Lost, but when Battlestar ends I'll pick up some new series I guess (new Joss Whedon, if it lasts).

you should watch the brittish office, it makes me happy in my pants.
I watched an episode of Master Blasters once and it was ok. Something about hooking something to a rocket.

Then I watched another and they attached rockets to something else.

Then I started to watch another, and they started talking about rockets..... and I realized that must be their THING. guhhhhhhhh
I watched an episode of Master Blasters once and it was ok. Something about hooking something to a rocket.

Then I watched another and they attached rockets to something else.

Then I started to watch another, and they started talking about rockets..... and I realized that must be their THING. guhhhhhhhh
Yes, the idea is you take "x" item, and strap a ton of thrust to it. Than you compete with another team to see whose bomb with wheels/fins goes further and does more stunts.

Bad things happen often, and this is why I watch.