Health care debate...

I was watching Fox News the other day (mainly for comedic value), when one of the presenters had an argument that I couldn't help but agree with.

He stated that if US citizens want socialized health care, they're going to have to pay for it through higher taxes, just like the rest of the world. He stated that the Dems plan of taxing just the rich will never work, as we all know that when the rich get taxed higher, so does everyone else.

IMO, it's up to you. Do you want to continue with the HMO thing, with paying every single month for health care insurance if you can afford it, or would you be willing to pay higher taxes for overall health coverage, no matter what the ailment and peace of mind knowing you will be taken care of no matter what?

It's a serious debate and I can understand why the rich would be against it. They can afford great health care coverage and wouldn't have to pay higher taxes for everyone else. I can also understand the rest of the country's citizens who don't make tons of money, feeling like why should they have less health care simply because they don't earn enough money. We're all human beings, after all.


I'm gonna make fake canadian ID cards, get my ass to canada and get checked up...