this is one of those times where depression fades away, and im on top of the world

:o :ill: sorry... see, he who asks you with the bullet between the eyes, that's welcome, when I cyber-ask something... I know, I'm a woman, therefore a good material for a bitch. naturally. :D
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
that would pretty much defeat the purpose of me trying to get a girlfriend... nice try tho

Please explain.....
Wow its like watching a really bad Soap opera in here now.....I think i need to drink some more now, it would make reading all this constant bickering much more enjoyable.
Your mum hasn't kicked you off the computer yet, eh poof? Haven't you learned that when your betters are speaking, you should sit quietly like you do when your mom brings home her truckdriver of the week?
ok dsm, heres some advice: you are going to meet plenty of chicks in your life that DONT want to have sex with you, so when you meet one that DOES want to have sex with you, you should take them up on it. AND if they want to be your gf or whatever thats even better.
Hooray for DSM!!!
I must admit though dude, reading your post made me kinda sad. I haven't felt that way for ages, and when you don't feel that way for a long time you start feeling dead inside. Dead Heart in a Dead World has never been so fitting for me right now. Hopefully things will start to look up, aww fuck it. I'm going to go start a new thread and try and explain some shit and see if any of you guys can help me out :cry:

Sorry, off the topic. Main point: Fucken good on you DSM, cherish her :)