Inform me about alcohol, humans!

We don't drink 7up here anymore, we're up to Sierra Mist. You'll know what I'm talking about in two years when you silly Europeans catch up.
silly Europeans ? hahaha
Do you know were the most good beer come from ??? haha
and it seems that the "silly" US have to catch in, cuz in the US I've never seen a coffeeshop or other things that are tolerated in the netherlands

do you think were still walk on clogs ???


oh...the cannabis kind, heh

I'm afeard we don't need any of those where I live
*google "Emerald triangle"*
Oh no, instead we get fucking Starbucks. Which would be much better if I could just stab people in the face as they walked in, but for some reason, that's not allowed.
I wish someone would invent a device that sterilised people who walked into Starbucks. That'd solve alot of problems in the future.
derek said:
I wish someone would invent a device that sterilised people who walked into Starbucks. That'd solve alot of problems in the future.

Radioactive coffee beans! That'd surely do the trick. Either that or give everyone super powers. I forget which is fact or fiction.
Alcohol verdicts are in!!!

Kalhua (strong) and Grey Goose is way too powerful. Not a big fan. Even mixed it just cuts through bitterly.
Goldschlagger/Jager/Schnapps will be purchased regularly FOR SURE.
Cap Morgans dark rum is in the same boat as the goose, but it gets me drunk WICKED AWESOME FAST. So its future is uncertain.

All beer sucks. Hoegardernnen, Guiness, Stella Artois. BALLS.
(I hate you Matt for costing me like 50 bucks in shitty beer! But I love you
for who you ARE)

Absolut Vanilla is REALLY cool. I would definitely get more.

Bailey's is alright, but really weak compared to other stuff.

Jameson is HARSH. Whiskey is HARSH. But simulataneously awesome!
its future is undetermined.
fuuuuuuuuck beer. Seriously. Fuck that action.

I am off it permanently. I would rather be some faggot skater than a beer drinker.