Now how about this?

Your right, its all a matter of ones likes and dislikes. No big deal really, that he doesnt go for your looks. .

WHen i had the mullet, ppl thought i was super young. WHen I dont have a mullet, and i let my beard get long, they accuse me of being way older.

When i was around 25, some guys were saying i had to be 35. I had to yank out my drivers liscens to prove to them. Its weird, i have NO wrinkles, smooth facial skin, good complexion, ext. I do haev some grey on the lengthy hair over my ears. That just started around a yr ago.
Originally posted by ledmag
Its weird, i have NO wrinkles, smooth facial skin, good complexion, ext.

Mmm... I bet Lord of Metal is gonna get real horny when he reads this and starts having fantasies about rubbing his dick against your smooth-as-baby's-butt cheek.

Guerrilla>>>Dude, WTF, your the only one who mentioned the word butt cheecks here.

LIZARD>>Yeah, i ahve some in my beard, but you can only see it when its medium length.
No I didn't say butt cheek, I said cheek that is smooth as baby's butt... since you said you have smooth facial skin. Yeah. Anyways, focus man, don't change the subject. We're talking about you and Lord here come on.

I didnt change the subject, i merely called you on another one of your gay fetishes......or perhaps just fetish.....butt cheeks, and babies. So, you get with the program here.

To save you from scrolling up, here is what you stated, i will highlight the butt cheek part.

GUERRILLA**Mmm... I bet Lord of Metal is gonna get real horny when he reads this and starts having fantasies about rubbing his dick against your smooth-as-baby's-***({[butt cheek)}]***. END GUERRILLA***

You cant be any more clear than G.
You know I'd think that typing it like this: "smooth-as-baby's-butt cheek" instead of "smooth as baby's butt cheek" would prevent some mentally handicapped people from misunderstanding it, but I guess I was wrong.
Now, as for butt cheeks, I think they're nice... it's fun to take your half-erected dick and slap it repeatedly on a woman's butt eh?
