THERION destroyed Center Stage

I'm not usually a fan of operatic style vocals, but I enjoyed the set, and there was one song in particular that seriously kicked my ass. Can someone help me figure out which one, so I can pick up the CD?

It was towards the first half of the set. The chorus was three short words or phrases – each one delivered by a different singer – then all four *wailed* on the last line. Later in the song, the guitars picked up this same theme.

Hopefully, this is enough of a description that someone familiar with the catalog can help me out. :lol:
I'm not usually a fan of operatic style vocals, but I enjoyed the set, and there was one song in particular that seriously kicked my ass. Can someone help me figure out which one, so I can pick up the CD?

It was towards the first half of the set. The chorus was three short words or phrases – each one delivered by a different singer – then all four *wailed* on the last line. Later in the song, the guitars picked up this same theme.

Hopefully, this is enough of a description that someone familiar with the catalog can help me out. :lol:

probably "Hellequin" from the newest one, Sitra Ahra.
you're welcome. That one definitely ruled live. The vocal arrangement was slightly different and I think for the better. Killer tune. :)
QFT. Christian Vidal is a true soldier.


If I'd sustained a concussion and then had to wait over at Grady Memorial for 8 hours, I would probably have slit my wrists...either in frustration, or in an attempt to get seen a bit sooner! :)

"Only" 3 inches of metal staples in his head.... What a trooper!

On record, said before. Best set I have ever witnessed on the PP stage. Better than Sabaton. And coming from me, you know what kind of weight that statement has.


The venue was 80% full and EVERYONE was into it.

There were actually more people there than I was expecting, only because of the lateness of the hour, the exhaustion that always sets in by Saturday night, and the fact that, hey, let's face it, not everyone is a fan of Therion or that style of metal.

A truly amazing, once-in-a-lifetime set for those who witnessed it!
There were actually more people there than I was expecting, only because of the lateness of the hour, the exhaustion that always sets in by Saturday night, and the fact that, hey, let's face it, not everyone is a fan of Therion or that style of metal.

I was really only a fan of their death metal stuff going in....gave the later stuff a try many many times, but it never clicked, even knowing how good they are live due to their PP6 show. And now, it finally has! Been listening to Sirius B, Lemuria, and Theli nonstop over the past 24 hours. Just phenomenal music.
Same here. I've been on pretty much a non-stop Therion kick from the drive back, yesterday, this morning...

Another thing I was thinking about, was just how together the band was. We saw some great talent this weekend, but Therion just took it up a whole other notch. They just had it all down. Costumes, where to be on stage, etc. It was just professional as hell.
This ProgPower was my first. When I originally bought my ticket, it was mainly to see Dream Evil and Therion. While I was sad that Dream Evil had to cancel, it would have taken an act of the Metal Gods to keep me from seeing Therion.

And I wasn't disappointed!

I've spent countless hours watching YouTube videos of their live performances, but of course the ProgPower performance was better than any video I've seen of them, even the 2007 live performance that I've watched a million times on YouTube.

I was really blown away. Totally blown away. I've been to countless concerts of various genres and sizes in my life, and this easily ranked in the top 5 for me, with bands like Rush and Iron Maiden.

The set-list was awesome. Sure, there were a few songs I would have loved to have heard, but if they played every song I wanted to hear, they would STILL be on stage right now. Ha!

I read the interview in the program with Christofer Johnsson, and he talked at length about touring in the US, as well as performing at festivals. I was disappointed to find that Therion's experiences in the US have been sub-par. As a huge fan, it's frustrating, because my ability to see them outside the US is limited financially.

So seeing them in Atlanta over this weekend was incredibly special - at least for me. Will I ever have the chance to see them live again? Will they ever tour the US again? Will I ever get the chance to stand next to Lori Lewis and try to keep from fainting again? I am fortunate enough to live in a large market, so if they DO tour there's a decent chance they'll be in my neck of the woods.

So - a big Thank You goes out to the sponsors for Therion (Mr and Mrs Jeremy Behne, Paul Cashman, Philip Hunt, Amanda Esposito, Justin Musgrave, and Heather Simkins), who were able to convince them to perform for us. And of course a huge Thank You to Christofer Johnsson and the rest of the band for not only putting on such an enormously awesome show for us, but for being willing to appear at the show.

Sorry to ramble.

Couldn't decide if I wanted the QFT or Fix this to read Snowy. Loved them both!

Snowy!! Unf! Proving that a dude can be a total stud in a skirt and tights :devil:

Here you go!

While I have nothing but good things to say about Therion's vocals..

Gaddamn it...

Going into their set, it was neck and neck between WHW and Ihsahn for performance of the festival. I gave WHW the edge for playing what I think is their perfect setlist and nailing every song note for note. Ihsahn was a religious experience and every bit the most intense performance I've probably ever seen (soon to be eclipsed by Primordial I'm sure).

But as I told many people after Saturday, I think it's irresponsible not to give the medal to Therion. They brought it in a way that I truly believe any fan of music or theatre or art in general could appreciate...and that is truly difficult for a heavy metal band to do. Hats off to them. The bar was too high already, and they still rose above it.
You mean like this?
Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve!!!!! Awesome pic!!! My head would explode if I had gotten a pic with him!!!!! :rofl:!!!! I'm Heather, btw! I chatted with ya at the artmore!

I have been listening to Hellequin and Sitra Ahra over and soon as I get paid again I'll be on a mission to buy their whole damn discography!!! Starting with Sitra Ahra!
Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve!!!!! Awesome pic!!! My head would explode if I had gotten a pic with him!!!!! :rofl:!!!! I'm Heather, btw! I chatted with ya at the artmore!

I have been listening to Hellequin and Sitra Ahra over and soon as I get paid again I'll be on a mission to buy their whole damn discography!!! Starting with Sitra Ahra!

I remember you know! My apologies as I am terrible with names and faces (I guess I REALLY should setup a damn Facebook account :oops:)

I was listening to Sitra Ahra myself earlier, although it was in the truck. I will have to queue it up on the GOOD system as soon as the Eldritch album is done playing. Really an incredible album. After seeing these guys and the times I got to hang out with them (at Jaxx and just now at ProgPower), I am turning into a huge fan of these guys. It took a bit for me to warm up to them initially, but damn, are these guys just incredible!

If you want to get the rest of their discography, I would work backwards, especially since their earlier material was pretty much straight-up death metal before morphing into the current gothic/operatic/symphonic outfit they are now.
I remember you know! My apologies as I am terrible with names and faces (I guess I REALLY should setup a damn Facebook account :oops:)

I was listening to Sitra Ahra myself earlier, although it was in the truck. I will have to queue it up on the GOOD system as soon as the Eldritch album is done playing. Really an incredible album. After seeing these guys and the times I got to hang out with them (at Jaxx and just now at ProgPower), I am turning into a huge fan of these guys. It took a bit for me to warm up to them initially, but damn, are these guys just incredible!

If you want to get the rest of their discography, I would work backwards, especially since their earlier material was pretty much straight-up death metal before morphing into the current gothic/operatic/symphonic outfit they are now.
Gothic Kabbalah is a desert island album for me. Just simply amazing.
Gothic kabbalah was the best Album released that year. Would have loved more off the album but certainly can't complain about the setlist.
I don't think Vikstrom's daughter was able to pull off the exact style that Kat has in her vocals. The most disappointing song of the set was Sophia, which is a song I absolutely love, but it just didn't grab me emotionally like the rest of the set did due, not to her vocal ability, but to her style. She is a FANTASTIC vocalist and I'm looking forward to seeing what else she does. I would have loved to have heard more from Gothic Kabbalah, but I did hear plenty from it on their last tour and if they couldn't do it justice with this lineup, that's for the best. It was great learning to love songs that I'm not that into due to a good performance, regardless. I wasn't as blown away as some of you by the theatrical aspect of the show because I already went through that on their last tour. That said, they did NOT disappoint my high expectations in that respect. Of course, I could have just let the crazy dancing and hollering through the whole set do all the talking for me, but here's some words to go with it. :D



But enough talk...


(obviously, none of these pictures are mine.)