THERION destroyed Center Stage

Though I posted something similar in another thread I believe this bares repeating: Therion put on the best show I have ever seen in my life. I was like God descended from heaven and He let us bask in his presence for two hours. They were THAT good.

Oh yeah...and Thomas is wickedly hot. He's probably twice my age but DAMN! I wish he had completed that striptease!

Also...Christian. He sustained a concussion and still performed magnificently! By all rights he should have been laying on a couch instead of performing. Completely awesome guy for trucking on! I hope he recovers quickly!

And...whose outfit did you like the best? I'm going to have to pick Chris - the top hat, glasses and vest just looked amazing. God, how I wish I could have gotten a pic with him in that getup...
I admit that I wasn't looking forward to it as much simply because I was tired. They were really really good though.

You know, this is always the unfortunate thing when it comes to the headliner of the fest sometimes. Hell, it even happens on Friday night sometimes. People just get too tired and either aren't as into the performance as their mind is thinking about sleep or they skip out early. I really had wished there were more people inside when they were playing, but despite lesser numbers, people seemed to go least up front. I know I sure as hell did. :lol:
You know, this is always the unfortunate thing when it comes to the headliner of the fest sometimes. Hell, it even happens on Friday night sometimes. People just get too tired and either aren't as into the performance as their mind is thinking about sleep or they skip out early. I really had wished there were more people inside when they were playing, but despite lesser numbers, people seemed to go least up front. I know I sure as hell did. :lol:

It would be good if people listened to Glenn when he says to pace yourself. He warned people of this very thing. Personally, I think a lot of people missed out.
I am devastated that I missed Therion... but when you get a text that your 15 month old son has a temperature of 104 and your wife is at her wit's end (between football game for oldest, my parents in town... and my being at PP XI)... I felt the best idea was to drive home to Duluth as quickly as possible.

Keep telling me how great Therion was - it'll be the closest I ever get to seeing/hearing them, I s'pose.
It would be good if people listened to Glenn when he says to pace yourself. He warned people of this very thing. Personally, I think a lot of people missed out.

Its the reason I slept in and skipped the Vanden Plas acoustic set. I wanted to go but I knew it was better for me to get some extra sleep.
Also...Christian. He sustained a concussion and still performed magnificently! By all rights he should have been laying on a couch instead of performing. Completely awesome guy for trucking on! I hope he recovers quickly!

QFT. Christian Vidal is a true soldier.

and by all accounts from alot of people who saw Therion the first time in which i didnt see...they were even better the first time....i cant see how as they were flawless..what a sight and sound to hear..4 vocalist killing it and everyone could be heard and the sound..again..the whole weekend had very consistent sound in fact..even sitting up i nthe far corners it sounded powerful
I didn't see them at ProgPower that year, but did see them on that tour...I have a hard time saying better or worse, but they were definitely different. Someone, either in this thread or another, made the observation that their performance at that time came off like a band, while this was more like a theater group, and I think that's a good way of putting it. I could list personal taste pros and cons of the two different versions, but both were masterful in their own right.
And...whose outfit did you like the best? I'm going to have to pick Chris - the top hat, glasses and vest just looked amazing. God, how I wish I could have gotten a pic with him in that getup...

You mean like this?


But holy fuck, that Therion set was friggan INCREDIBLE. After I got done shooting my pics right up against the stage in front of the barrier, I basically elbowed my way in through the crowd to get up as close as I can. I did not think I had it in me to get through the rest of the night like that, but holy shit, it was worth it for Therion. I thought that show I saw at Jaxx as friggan incredible (and it still was - perhaps one of the best performances I've ever seen go through that place before and since), but damn, this just took the cake!
Therion was a religious experience. There are no words.

It would be good if people listened to Glenn when he says to pace yourself. He warned people of this very thing. Personally, I think a lot of people missed out.

Yep, definitely. If there's a band somewhere in the middle that you're not all that interested in, for god's sake, take a seat for a while if you've been standing. Or if possible, go back to your room for a nap. That's the only way I got through to Therion, I think.

And yeah, Christofer was the best-dressed, with Christian and the trench coat in close second.
I had decided I would leave after the first 5 or so songs because I was tired and I wasn't really blown away last time they were here. 2 minutes into their first song I knew I would be there until the end of the night.

On record, said before. Best set I have ever witnessed on the PP stage. Better than Sabaton. And coming from me, you know what kind of weight that statement has.
No words can describe the brilliance of Therion last night. I can say that what Therion gave us last night was the best show I have EVER seen! And I'm old enough and have seen enough shows over the years to not just say that on a whim. The only thing I woud have changed about their show was that they could have somehow played EVERY song they've ever done! hahaha :)