These Arms Are Snakes - Easter

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
These Arms Are Snakes - Easter
Jade Tree Records – JT1118 – October 2006
By Nathan Pearce


These Arms Are Snakes is a band that probably hasn’t received the press they should in the metal world. They play a unique blend of post-hardcore, indie rock, and metal. In a perfect world they would be mentioned alongside bands like Isis, Botch, and Red Sparowes. They might not create the meandering instrumental passages, but their ability to create unique, genre-defying music is on par with the above mentioned bands.

Easter is technically album number two for this band. It is essentially some sort of anti-Christian concept album. Maybe concept album isn’t the right term, but the entirety of the album takes a long hard look at the faults of Christianity. However, it’s not the lyrics and concepts of this band that intrigue me. This band truly knows how to make great music. The musicianship of the These Arms Are Snakes is amazing. Easter is easily their defining moment in both song writing and musicianship. If you enjoy a band that uses guitars and bass as two separate, leading instruments, you’ll dig this album. If you enjoy when a band very rarely plays a riff or lick that is even remotely cliché, you’ll definitely enjoy this album.

While the tag post-hardcore is probably going to follow this band to their death bed, I think their independent style of song writing and musicianship separates them from all other bands in the post-anything sub, sub genres. If you like original, independent rock or metal, this is easily one of the year’s best.


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These Arms Are Snake’s Official Website

Jade Tree’s Official Website
I kinda like this band... but I could never get past the fact that they remind me way too much of Frodus. I'll check out the new album though, and I'm assuming they'll open for Isis again when they tour here in spring.