THEUDHO-samples new album may


New Metal Member
Aug 15, 2004
New album out in may!


This new album will be entitled "The Völsunga Saga". The new album is conceptually based on a late 13th century Icelandic manuscript, the counterpart of the German medieval Nibelungen epic.

Cover art was provided by KRIS VERWIMP, renowned for his outstanding work for ABSU, THYRFING, MARDUK, MÅNEGARM, ANCIENT RITES,


The tracklisting is as followsit:

01. Varg í Veum
02. Völsung
03. The Blade of Odin
04. Sinfjötli
05. Sigurd Sigmundarson
06. Uttergälden
07. Gram
08. The Journey to Lyngvi
09. Fafnirs Blut
10. Helreið Brynhildar
11. Fall of the Niflungs
12. Gudrun's Revenge

The new album is currently being mixed by Raf (guitar player in Ancient Rites, Ahráyeph) at Rose Creek Studio. NEPHEREX, home of such acts as KLUDDE, MORRIGU, WANHOOP and IRON CLAD, will release "The Völsunga Saga" in May.

Order this album directly from their label for 15,00 euro p&p included: