They need you... please...

The'yd prabobly have a mentle brakedown.

And a war would be too easy against them. All you have to do is misspell a few werds and they wood spend all they're time corecting grammer.
and yeah.. its a good thing this board is put together correctly.. I couldnt even deal with UM if I didnt have a haven of off topicness. No personality in the Katatonia forums.
Screw trebek...I could be all smug and crap too if I had all the answers. Barker rocks cuz of Barker's beauties. The dude is like a 65 year old pimp. How can you beat that????
jake would be the epitome of an assault on them.

the spelling mistakes and the newbie factor would make the whole board implode.



(ps- that pic's for avi, with the kvlr namedrop)