They say Quorthon died today


Oct 10, 2001
Apparently the mighty Quorthon of Bathory died today after a time of heartproblems. The source is the forum of swedish magazine close up, and a post by one of their writers, who heard it from a friend who heard it from flinta, drummer of Entombed. If this turns out to be true the music world has lost a true giant and innovator.

Hail Bathory!
Hope this isn't true.. If it is, however, it's a big loss for the metal community. Quorthon influenced many of my favourite bands, and without him, extreme music surely wouldn't be the way it is today. Hails to the true metal spirit he was/is.
If it's true....well life is life. He'd probably be the first to tell you that. We're all going to die. He hadn't put out anything interesting for a long time, so no one was really expecting much from him anymore. Not a loss musically, but a loss spiritually I suppose.
Well, I've got it more or less confirmed now. Just waiting for some official statement. Fuck fuck fuck.
Erik: trust me, it's true. I've heard it from several sources now. All citing Flinta though.

Det visar sig att Börje på Black Mark var hans pappa i alla fall.
May Valkyrie's carry you forth across the Bifrost and guide you to Valhal to dine with the Gods!
All Hails to you. You shall be missed.

"When the wind cries out my name
And time has come for me to die
Then wrap me in my cape
And lay my sword down at my side

Then place me on a ship of Oak
And let it drift with tide
Let the flames purify my soul
On its way to hall up high"

From "Shores in Flames"
i don't care since quorthon hasn't contributed anything of value for a long time. nevertheless, i'm not going to rely on some swedish magazine i've never heard of and roadrunner. i'd guess it's true, though

are you sure they have his name right?
Its hard to believe. My first reaction was along the lines of "Holy Shit!!!" I am still hoping it turns out to be rumors but if its not:

Now the that the wind called my name
And my star has faded hardly a glimpse
up in the empty space
And the wise one-eyed great father
In the sky stilled my flame

For the ones who stood me near
And you few were me dear
I ask of thee to have no doubts and no fears

For when great clouds fills the air
And the thunder roars from O' so
far away up in the sky
then for sure you will know that I have
reached the joyous hall up high

With my bloodbrothers at side
All sons of fathers with one eye
We all were born in the land of the
Blood on Ice

And now all you who may hear my song
Brought to you by the northern wind have no fear
Though the night may seem so everlasting
And forever dark

There will come a golden dawn
At ends of nights for all yee on who'm
Upon the northstar always shines

The vast gates to hall up high
Shall stand open wide and welcome you
With all its within
And Oden shall heil us bearers of a pounding

Words by Quorthon 1991
someone picked this report apart pretty well on another forum.

quorthon's name is not tomas forsberg. from his site: "And just for the record, I have still after two decades never seen my real name in print. There’s been an awful lot of Johan, Richard, Stefan, Per, Thomas, Leif, Tommy, Erik and Peter. But, sorry, you’re all wrong."

"There’s this one very famous story how I planted the name Peter Forsberg after an interview I made with a journalist from either Spain or Portugal, I can’t remember which any longer. He simply sort of casually asked me and I sensed a good spot for planting something nice. So I sort of had him let the answer "slip out of me" but made him "-...promise not to tell anybody...

Knowing very well how not only his tape recorder would still be on at the other end of the line but also how very little knowledge folks in the south of Europe will generally have of the wonderful sport of ice hockey, I had a hard time keeping myself from laughing out loud as I planted the name Peter Forsberg."

there is a twelve year age difference between quorthon and the person blabbermouth says is his father.