QUORTHON found dead 08/06/04


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
BATHORY mastermind Tomas "Quorthon" Forsberg was found dead in his apartment in Stockholm, Sweden on Monday, June 7, informed sources have confirmed to BLABBERMOUTH.NET. The 39-year-old son of Black Mark Records owner Börje Forsberg, long considered one of black metal's founders, died of an apparent heart failure. More information as it becomes available.



I hope this isn't too off-topic for you guys, but I figured as this hasn't been posted in this forum yet and I wouldn't have known about it had I not talked to ShroudofDusk on MSN, I'd inform you guys of this loss.

I've never been a fan of Bathory, but that's simply because I haven't given them a chance yet. If this news is true (which there is some doubt about), it's a pretty rough blow to the metal community. Many bands, including Opeth, have been influenced by Quorthon and his work. Mike even wears a Bathory shirt in parts of the Lamentations documentary.

Flame on :P
ChrisEmerson said:
whys that?

I dunno, but I kind of feel the same way. I don't know much about this guy, but he seems to be quite mysterious. On blabbermouth they were talking about how he's denied that his true name was ever known. Maybe Tomas Forsberg isn't Quorthon? Who knows? I suppose we'll see.
I first heard from talking to In the land of grey and pink in IM, and I was quite shocked. While I really only listen to their first 6 albums (self titled-twilight of the gods) I still am pretty devasted...Ever since I bought Blood Fire Death a year ago, I've been an extremely huge Bathory fan. I can't really express how much Quorthon's music has changed my life...them, Opeth and Death are like my top metal bands of all time. Quorthon's diversity, songs, imagination and influence will always be remembered.

For those of you who haven't heard much bathory. Buy blood fire death, hammerheart and under the sign of the black mark first. you will not regret it. Clearly, one of the more overlooked extreme metal bands.