Things kicking your ass lately?

Pyrus said:
Things kicking my ass: Forbidden's first two albums, bottles of amaretto, and the deleted scenes from Donnie Darko.

Things I've kicked the asses of: College apps and little Nazi fuckers and their friends.
Now thats the spirit pall!! Pyrus rules, Horns Up
Pyrus said:
Things kicking my ass: Forbidden's first two albums, bottles of amaretto, and the deleted scenes from Donnie Darko.

Things I've kicked the asses of: College apps and little Nazi fuckers and their friends.


*gets DVD out*

Perfect Circle's new disc has been kickin' my ass. Well, maybe not kickin' my ass, but mellowing my ass out.

Oh wait, I know what kicked my ass! Real bad!
Weed did! REALLY HARD!
I'm definitely a light-weight when it comes to toking, so the amount I did at this party was far too much for me to handle.
I did 5 nicely brewed 'chutes. Then since we were hotboing my friends van, we staye din there for like anothr 10 minutes after doing the 'chutes for like 10minuts. I was fucking ripped out of my brain. I've never smoked that much in my life. I could barely walk. I got inside the house, I went to the couch and passed out. I was out for like 4 hours. I missed almost the entire party. Apparently my face and lips were totally white. People said I looked dead, they were actually starting to worry about me a bit. So, to make sure I was alive they'd check on me every ten minutes or so and shake me or ask me to talk. I could barely talk or move I was tripped out so damn hard, but I mustered up the strength to crack a smile or mumble something or wave. After being out cold for like 4 hours, it was like 11:30 and I started eating some Doritos. I had the most incsane munchies ever. Best damn Doritos ever, man! Then I stared to get up and walk around a bit, still high as a fucking kite. The neat thing is though, when I woke up I found some chronic hydro BC that should be really, really strong. I think I remember my friend putting it in my pocket, said something about this was him and Matt matching me for the 'chute hits in the van....I don't remember very well.
Anyways, so I left there at like 1ish I think, still fried. Got home after some eats and driving at like 2....still high. Eventually went to bed and woke up feeling like shit witha massive headache.
In conclusion, weed kicked my ass real bad and i'm never smoking 5 'chute hits in 10 minutes ever again. I don't even know if i'm ever going to smoke ever again. I wanna sell the weed I got now. Maybe. We'll see.
Ecstatic Youth said:
I don't even know if i'm ever going to smoke ever again. I wanna sell the weed I got now. Maybe. We'll see.
Here's an update for you people.
As you can see, I was pondering quitting pot...and that same day(Sunday I think), I decided to stop. I ended up selling my stuff today and that was the end of it all....or so I thought. I felt like I needed a break. Then that night, as I get into my friends car(who knew about my plan to quit), I jokingly say "Now let's go smoke some drugs! Ha ha ha!". She goes "Ha ha....yah. Do you really want to? I have some hash you know?". It is then that I realized I ONLY LASTED 4 FUCKIN''m a champ. So then we go to the mountain brow with some some people and smoke some hash and some weed out of a small chute. Clearly, I am awesome. I knew I'd never last. :lol: