things that seem normal until someone else sees / hears it


Aug 2, 2002
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- carrying a CVS bag with cockroach killer and sedatives in it. and a razor.

- being hugged by four lesbians in a row who randomly pass you on the street. they all touch your butt.

- your friend saying 'i was in my room, it wasn't like i was in the kitchen shooting up in front of my mom.'

- your sister says 'remember that time we ate cat food because we were starving?'
darn i added other stuff and it got lost :/ one was:

- mentioning in passing that you're glad you dont have to use an outhouse ANYMORE since it's so cold out.
-mentioning to someone that your husband's cd collection consists of the complete catalogues of Britney Spears, Celine Dion, and Mariah Carey(including imports) and oh yeah a burn of the Metallica black album.
- when someone asks who will be at your house for christmas you mention your dad's employees mac, chip, and ray. then go on to list rico, dill, a guy named jigger, a guy named chopper, and someone named chickie.

- i have two long term girl friends named billy jo.

- i eat steamed mushrooms for breakfast

- i LIKE brussel sprouts immensely
-I used to boil entire bags of frozen brussel sprouts for breakfast
-My cousin named her child "Thelonius"
This is more when they SEE it but...
-my school bag contents: 3 literary analysis papers, 1 laptop, 1 leather strap, 1 laptop power supply, 1 tube of lube, 3 pens, 40 condoms, 1 textbook, 1 CD player, 1 cat o' nine tails, 1 NKOTB CD
here's one i forgot before:
- me: 'my dad was a fur trapper and a logger before he started his own business, he used to hang dead beavers in our kitchen and the blood would be all in the cereal and shit' looking into a room of blank stunned faces.
the_preppy said:
not realizing it's messed up that my roommate grew up in appalachia.
i'm totally going to have to make more deliverance jokes now that i realize this is pretty serious material.
lizard, my dad tried to hide them but i mean... there's like 20 people running around. i couldn't miss it eventually. but slipping in deer guts and cracking my head on the wood chopping block: most white trash childhood even ever. other than the catfood incident.
read the last entry on my very first post.
my sister and i were hungry. there was no food. (our evil babysitter, if that's what you can call her, never fed us) the next day, we got desperate and ate the neighbor's cat food.