This annoys the hell out of me!


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
I hate it when I'm on the bus or subway and religious zealots get up and start preaching how we're all going to hell unless we repent and start handing out flyers. First they try to scare you by threatening an eternity in hell, then they hand out flyers as if God is some kind of anti-hell salvation product.

Last night in particular stretched my patience, 'cause one guy took it upon himself to speak about Christianity and God to the crowded bus for half the trip... Right when the batteries on my discman went dead! ARGH!

Really annoying. Reminds me of a saying: "It's rude to silence a fool, but cruelty to let him go on."
damn zealots! I had one start screaming at me "are you ready to accept the hell you so readily deserve?!?!?!?". I told him to fuck off, and that at least hell is warm.:mad:
Right when the batteries on my discman went dead! ARGH!

Maybe someone (or something) was trying to tell you something :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But I know what you mean. In the city, sometimes on the train a homeless person trying to make some money will start sermonizing (not like you can understand a word he says, since it sounds all staged and rushed, somewhat like a racehorse sportscaster). Worst are the people that make it their business to COME to your house uninvited to try to push what they believe on you (namely the Mormons and JW's).
Originally posted by Jannet

Maybe someone (or something) was trying to tell you something :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But I know what you mean. In the city, sometimes on the train a homeless person trying to make some money will start sermonizing (not like you can understand a word he says, since it sounds all staged and rushed, somewhat like a racehorse sportscaster). Worst are the people that make it their business to COME to your house uninvited to try to push what they believe on you (namely the Mormons and JW's).

Yeah, someone was trying to tell me something. God was telling me, "Next time, thou shalt buy Duracell instead of thy generic brand. You cheap ass bastard!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know what you mean, I've seen those types before, and the immagrants that try to sell stuff on the train. I ran into this one homeless guy on the subway that was actually quite funny. He joked about how his kids keep messing his house (the subway) up and did this whole stand-up thing. At the end he said: "If you people don't mind, I'm having company over later, so please don't leave a mess." I almost died laughing, and I even gave him some money. I figure, anyone who can make me laugh like that deserves a tip. :lol:
Yeah, someone was trying to tell me something. God was telling me, "Next time, thou shalt buy Duracell instead of thy generic brand. You cheap ass bastard!"

So you DO acknowledge the existence of God..hehehe

I know what you mean, I've seen those types before, and the immagrants that try to sell stuff on the train.

Gotta give them credit though, they BUST THEIR ASSES, and put up with abuse most likely, just to make ends meet. I'm sure more than one of them have been robbed. It's a lot more to say than the people living off the government (usually the NATIVES of the country) and not lifting a lazy finger to work!
i hate it when the batteries run out. if i walk half way to school in teh winter and it run out, i walk back home and get new one.
Originally posted by terrymx
i hate it when the batteries run out. if i walk half way to school in teh winter and it run out, i walk back home and get new one.

Dude, I buy a 10 pack of triple A's (Energizer ROX, especially the ones with the new e-2 technology), and when I have 4 left I go buy another pack, so I never have that problem :p

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edit: Damn, I thought it was funny at first, but I just noticed those were CHILDREN in the background. Made me almost throw up my Cocoa Krispies *blagh* Since I have a son, I'm a little sensitive to this sort of thing...