what scares the hell out of you

the feeder

Jan 7, 2005
Layton, Utah
what care the hell out of you.

horror movie don't scare me, but the ones with aliens in them give me nightmares. like when i saw the movie signs.

if another alien movie comes out i would go see it cause ou know how people are they like to be scared. :OMG: :yell: o_O :ill: :ill: :ill:
Forgetting all of the medical stuff I've studied over the years because the next few semesters will be spent studying stuff that doesn't really relate to it. That's why I'm constantly studying. Some of it for school, then the medicine in my free time.

Republicans (I live in a blue state, thank god), religious extremists, the inevitable expansion of the faltering war, idiots, housewifes driving SUV's the size of commercial vehicles. Long Island is a wonderful place for that.
Fire. Haven't used my gas oven in over two years.

People who think they have the right to force the world around them to conform to their personal views. (oh wait, that pisses me off. but they scare me too.)
The most thing that scare me are ghost. Specially when they are in movies like the others.
It's very creepy when you see and feel things that you can't explain.
Like you can feel your grandmother (she died 4 years ago) is present when your cousin (2years old) is around you. Ore you see strange figures trough the window.
But you get used to it.....in a while.
Hope I didn't scare anyone with this story.
Movies that have truth potential behind them such as:

The Exorcist, The Omen, The Entity

Also would have to agree with Carina as well, The blair witch project. OHHHH hated that movie. But there is a funny Scooby Doo spoof of it that puts it into a comic perspective for me.
Raine Lionheart said:
Spiders (and all insects), Republicans, ignorance... those are all on my list.

For the most part, deafness, heavy metal death and writer's block (so naturally, I'm paranoid ;))

You sound like a frustrated, scared little boy.
Anyway, don't laugh but I'm afraid of snails (for real, can't help it)
There so hidious and smooth and disgusting, I'm getting shivers just talking about them. :erk: :yuk: :ill: