This can't possibly be photoshopped...


METAL... nuff said!
...well, I hope it ain't cuz that'd be AWESOME.

Wow, even cooler since it's real!

Looking at the 'Product Placement' sign and remembering......does anyone have the link for the firm that makes those 'not so inspirational' posters that parody the real ones? Some of those were drop-dead hilarious!
Has anyone seen the not-so-inspiration version of the black girl rocking out behind the metalheads? The caption is something like 'KVLT' and then 'No matter how tr00 you are, someone's always ready to fuck it up' or something similar. I saw it once, didn't save it, and have regretted ever since.
This one is the funniest demotivational poster I have seen, and I am not really a "Star Wars" fan.

Yay, thanks, there was a link to it. The company is "Despair, Inc."

Hmm, wonder what would happen if I bought the "Apathy" poster and hung it on the wall of my a large call-site? :lol:

At a previous job, I got yelled at for hanging a copy of the "attitudes are contagious, mine might kill you" one in my office. The upper management people all knew my sense of humor, but the stuffed shirts in HR were less than impressed....They were big on the legit ones....
Has anyone seen the not-so-inspiration version of the black girl rocking out behind the metalheads? The caption is something like 'KVLT' and then 'No matter how tr00 you are, someone's always ready to fuck it up' or something similar. I saw it once, didn't save it, and have regretted ever since.
I think I can help you out!
Let's see if this works...

EDIT: I can't get it to embed. I had it saved on my computer and I just uploaded it on flickr. Someone else more computer savvy can post it to the thread :)
I love despair. I had their calendar at work a few years back. I keep meaning to get a new one. We essentially have license to tell HR to piss off about most stuff, but one of the other managers (who's buddies with my boss) always seems to want to rein me in. I have "cute" kitty pictures now, incl. a "the voices are telling me to kill you" that she can't stand. "You make kitty scared" stays up as a general indicator of my mood while here. lol

And Ruthven, that truly is Awesome!!