Fans of music that aren't audio engineers shouldn't be allowed to comment on mixes.
Ohnoes there's triggers!! (because we expect too much of artists and want every fucking hit to be as audible as the last, and if it isn't because we went for the au naturelle approach we'll bitch about it! and if we can hear all the hits we'll bitch anyway even though that's what we all wanted!)
Ohnoes there's too much gain! (I respectfully point you in the direction of SunnO)))'s latest album. Whether you like their music or not, for such an overgained tone, there's more punch and clarity there than I've ever heard in any other guitar tone. And fuck the OMG DON'T OVERGAIN, YOU LOSE TEH CLARITY people, because there's many a person on this forum who has proven otherwise. Lasse has posted some saturated as fuck tones here that sounded amazing)
Ohnoes there's too much compression on the master! (yeah, I agree that no dynamic range is killing music, but it's not exactly Andy's fault. He's doing what he has to do to stay in business. Labels want loud records? They get loud records. I'm pretty sure if he had it his way things wouldn't be like this. If you don't like it, stop buying loud records, vote with your fucking wallet.)
Fuck this guy.
He has, simply put, zero fucking idea what he's talking about.