Review Of QOTSA's "Songs For The Deaf"


Jul 15, 2002
Kokomo, IN
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I was looking around at the local CD store, and the new Queens Of The Stone Age CD came out tuesday...Now, all I've heard are good things about this CD, excellent reviews...Plus, did you hear??? Dave Grohl played the drums on the album, I think he's an official member of the band now...But, let's get on with the review...

This CD is everything and nothing you'd expect...Words can't explain how I felt when I first popped in my CD player...This album is just raw, dirty, stoner rock...I know some of you, don't like it, but just give it a chance, download some songs...It'll catch your ear...These guys are gonna hit it big with this CD...Now let's go song to song...

1. You think I ain't worth a dollar, but I feel like a millionare

- Awesome, kind of speed metal...Starts off with someone getting in a car and turning their radio dial to find all the songs...That's how this CD plays off, there are short intermissions of radio broadcasts that lead into each song, listen to the CD all the way through and see what I mean...

2. No One Knows

- Major stoner rock, sums up the QOTSA sound...Listen to it your self and see...

3. First It Giveth

- One of my favs, raw drums (Dave tears it up!) and bass lines, just a kickass song all together, really catchy...Great chorus...

4. Song For The Dead

- A Metal Song with great guitar lines, start and stop approaches...

5. The Sky is Falling

- A very dreamy intro to a very upbeat guitar and drum combo...I just love how their guitars sound, GRUNGE LIKE WHOA!!!

6. Six Shooter

- Very fast, screaming number, just chaos...

7. Hanging Tree

- A very dreamy chorus, just a average rock song, really melodic...

8. Go With The Flow

- AWESOME...A swaggering rock tune with an weird wah wah effect...Piano in the background...WEIRD, but good...

9. Gonna Leave You

- Another one of my favs, another swaggering rock tune, tight guitar work, great vocals...

10. Do It Again

- A marching rock tune...AWESOME...ENOUGH SAID...

11. God is On The Radio

- Sounds like a doors song, nod your head to this one, sounds like something in Saving Private Ryan..LOL

12. Another Love Song

- A very corny beat, but I love it, Dave nails the big symbal every half beat, that's the best part...I can't explain these songs...UNBELIEVABLE...

13. Song For The Deaf


14. Mosquito Song

- Great guitar work, an acoustic number that is about a mosquito sucking someone's blood until they turn to bone and fall on the ground...GREAT!

***4 STARS OUT OF 5***

It's really hard to review and explain this album, the band kicks ass, Dave adds so much to this band, his playing on the album is not what you'd expect...Guitars are great...What else can I say??? These guys are really talented, go out and get this CD right now, you won't believe your ears...