AugDawgs review of "We've come for you all"


F.U.2 Master
Feb 6, 2002
I fuckin love "We've come for you all" folks. What else can I say? Well, here is my full review.!

Turn it up!


Anthrax: We’ve come for you all

It’s finally time to give the review I’ve been waiting all year for. I can honestly say that I expected a smash, and I have not been let down.
"We’ve come for you all" may not be Anthrax’s finest moment ever, but it’s dam close! The album has a really good mix of flowing power, and speed that is incredible. Old school metal fans will love this album as Anthrax has once again refused to ignore their metal roots, and there are many blistering moments that will please the biggest of Anthrax fans.

The album begins with a short intro of a building guitar riff that sets the mood nicely for the incredible song "What doesn’t die".

2-What doesn’t die
This may be one of the heaviest, and most evil sounding songs Anthrax has ever written. This number is riddled with incredible double bass by drummer Charlie Benante, and some great time changes. The speed of the song is thunderous as John Bush (vocalist) comes into the song as strong as I’ve ever heard him. Nice vocals and lyrics throughout. The guitar tone is also incredible.

The next song "Superhero" jumps right into a great metal riff! This song certainly sounds like it’s destined to become a Anthrax classic with it’s catchy chorus and powerful melody. Great transitions through out the entire structure of this mid tempo song.

4-Refuse to be denied
Another great beginning with yet another huge intro from the guitars. The production of Scott Ian’s guitar on this album(all guitars in general) are larger than life. Another great performance by John Bush throughout on another mid tempo crusher.

5-Safe home
This may be the first single off the album, and it is certainly a slight change from the rest of the album. However, make no mistake about this number with it’s great chorus and flowing spirit. John Bush really brings a great melody to this one with another moving performance. It is certainly the more mellow affair on the album, but it’s a good one.

6-Any place but here
Great start to this song, with Frank Bello laying down a really cool foundation. John Bush is once again thrust into the spotlight and once again does not dissapoint. It seems that every song on this new Anthrax album has a catchy chorus.

7-Nobody knows anything
A fast paced affair that threatens to blow the speakers and once again John Bush is at his best! The vocals are performed with so much power, it makes one wonder if this guy has actually aged at all! Charlie Benante also performs one of the best drum tracks of his career on this number. A stunning tune that should leave most metal heads thumping their chests!

8-Strap it on
Another great mid tempo style rocker, but with a great acoustic guitar playing behind the heavy sounding guitar for a great sound. The lyrics on this song refer to the idea of being yourself, and to continue ones love of old school heavy metal. "I change by staying the same!"

9-Black Dahalia
This may be the darkest and most powerful track on the album. The lyrical matter is strong, and pure evil. The pre chorus on this song threatens to explode out of control with a incredible 4 to 8 bar blast beat section that continually switches back and fourth to the main melody riff. You can actually hear some S.O.D in this song.

10-Cadillac rock box
Wow, this one has a Southern rock style riff going on. Great solo by guest guitar Dimbag Darrel(Pantera) included on this one. Overall, a pretty good tune but it certainly has the most varied taste of any track on the album.

11-Taking the music back
Great intro melody to this one with the Anthrax boys all joining in. Roger Daltry (The Who) adds some great back up vocals to the chorus on this one which really drives the main message of the lyrics home. Great break down to the bridge on this song which swings perfectly back into the chorus!

A creepy little sound scape between track 11 and 13 that sounds pretty cool. Frank Bello adds a small vocal contribution to this track. Nice touch to the album.

13-Think about a end
This one has a great intro that builds with just the guitar and Johns vocals. About 6 or 8 bars into the song the band jumps in with great energy and yet another great sounding melody and chorus to a album chuck full of em! The lyrics on this one are great with such lines as "Think about a end you can live with, think about a end I can give you, think about a end that will satisfy!". Great bridge to this song, that once again unfolds to the chorus with great transitional quality.

14-We’ve come for you all
The title track is very powerful, and a great choice to end the album with. John Bush has some different style sounding vocals at the beginning of the song which sound awesome. John Bush may actually have one of his best overall vocal performances on this song.

*High points
John Bush really deserves a standing ovation for his overall performance and delivery on this album. As previously mentioned, this metal veteran seems to gain power with age. While many aging vocalists are sailing previously charted places, John Bush is always climbing to the next level. His performance here can only backup that statement.

Scott Ian and Charlie Benante really lay down some great guitar work on this album that really lives up to the Anthrax sound. While it is abit unclear to me how much new lead guitarist Rob C actually played on the album, I’m sure that he will add the needed fire for their live performances. Scott lays down all if not most of the great reliable rhythms while Charlie lays down some pretty good solos here and there. A great guitar album which is what a typical Anthrax fan would expect.

Charlie Benante is a very scary monster indeed behind the drum kit on this album. Almost every song on the album showcases his skill and creative beats. Most music is dead in the water without a good drummer, and thank god for Anthrax that they have such a beat master playing for them.

Frank Bello is certainly not to be overlooked on the albums performance. He maintains his timing with Charlie throughout, and knows when to step into the spotlight. A solid overall performance that is both schooled, and impressive.

This album really deserves to be considered as one of the best metal albums of the year. This is one of Anthrax’s most flawless, and cohesive releases to date. It’s good to hear that one of the original four thrash kings is still putting out great music. Not only is it good, it’s also one of their best ever!

rating: 9 out of 10


Excellent review and I already thought exactly the same thing as what you said here :
It seems that every song on this new Anthrax album has a catchy chorus.

I hope this brings new audiences to Anthrax and it gets them a ton of radio and TV play since it's really an accessible yet heavy as fuck album.
mentalmeltdown said:
Excellent review and I already thought exactly the same thing as what you said here :

I hope this brings new audiences to Anthrax and it gets them a ton of radio and TV play since it's really an accessible yet heavy as fuck album.

Horns up!

Couldn't have said it better myself :rock: Especially what you said about each member's performance on the album! In my opinion John is the most underrated singer period, and I think Charlie is sooooo underrated as a drummer/guitarist/songwriter! Plus Scott is the best rhythm guitarist in metal :rock:
Great review..totally agree with it, this is one of the best albums I've ever heard and after seeing the guys live last friday I'm a bigger fan.....

Some people might think this album is mediocre just because it isn't 100%trash,beginning to end but whoever says that needs to check his/her brain,like the guy who once said that SOWN was a mediocre effort because of its more melodic tracks(only-black lodge)....then what did you want? 9 albums with the exact same sound? good for you Anthrax!