This Forum linked to WatchTower site.


WatchTower Webmaster
Feb 12, 2002
Hi all,

I'm the webmaster for the WatchTower website, and just wanted to inform you all that this forum is now linked to the site...

Hopefully this will generate some more action...

Thanks All...


Hi Barry!

I'd like to ask you:
could you make the menu on Watchtower's site working with Netscape and Mozilla?
I feel terribly bad about the need of going to damn Widozz box for browsing it :(

Lots of thanks in advance!

No, I don't...
But Burry: I have lots of stuff running here on linux boxes - I usually have Java switched off in the preferences (and I know many people who do that too) to save some memory, and to prevent Netscape/Mozilla from often crushes because of java. Though your current menu is pretty cool, usual bon ton practice supposes having a choice for such stuff. If you could make an easy html/javascript navigation system as a back-up (you have the old one I think) and to place a small link for it on the title page - it would be great and appreciated!

OK... at the bottom of the Tower site, I placed a "alternate navigation" link :)

This will utilize the old navigational concept until I can create a new design that is platform independent...
